Dec 20, 2011

Final Farewell for Tami and Wes

The TamiWes family are headed for their next assignment in Argentina.  (I don't use last names on my blog.  So should I call them Tes?  Or Wami?)  Wes is going to be a foreign exchange student at an Argentinian Officer Training School.  (This is NOT official terminology...I'm sure there are like 20 acronyms to describe what he's actually doing.)

(Have I mentioned before that Wes's job is cooler than YOUR job?  Well, it is.  Sorry.  Doug feels your pain.)  (And yes, I have mentioned it, but I like to brag because I'm friends with a fighter pilot.  Sue me.)

On their way out of town, they stopped at our house for a few-night breather.

And some pacific ocean and beach time.  (Even though it was a little chilly.)

 It was, as per usual, very very fun to be with them.

Love this shot...!
But also sad.

Wes got to play with the kids while Tami and I chatted.
This time when we said good bye, we couldn't say "We'll see you again SOON!".

Although we hope and plan to visit them in Argentina, well...we have to hurry up and actually make some money first. 

Lots of Read-a-Thon's!
There are some aspects of military life that really sucktink.  And here we are out of the military and they're still stinky!!!
Saying good-bye to friends who are going far far away for a long long time is one of those things.

Good bye Tami, Wes, Camille, Madeleine, Cameron and Baby (Emily, perhaps?)!
We'll miss you!
HOPE to see you SOON!!!

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