Nov 21, 2011

Day at the Beach--Oregon Style

San Diego Temple view coming home from the airport.
My awesome cousin Kimmy, her husband and baby all came to visit us from Utah last weekend and we had a blast.
Kim, Coleman, and Cliff (the goof-ball!)
On the Oceanside Pier.
Kim wanted to take her baby to the beach despite it being rainy and cold.  Our friends from church had the same idea: go to beach despite rain.  Since I'm super tough and impervious to cold, I said "HECK YEAH!!!"  So last Saturday we loaded up all the beach crap that's been un-used for the last two months, grabbed some kites, and went to the beach in the rain.  In NOVEMBER.
Kim introducing Coleman to jumping over incoming surf.
This cute little guy LOVED staying at our house due to our overabundance of TRAINS!
And okay, he liked the beach too...
Turns out going to the beach when it's rainy and cold is sorta rainy and cold.  But the kids didn't seem to notice.  

Until their limbs starting turning blue and dropping off and random.

But before that, a frisbee was lost, kites were flown, clothes drenched, Smash Ball played, holes were dug, castles built, and sand consumed (by Gray).  In other words, it was a perfect day at the beach.
Ruth/Scott Family watching some kite action
 Of course, this (cold) little adventure necessitated a follow-up Hot Chocolate party at my house.

Oh, to have some of Tommy's energy!
On our way inside, one of the kids stepped in the overflowing gutter and I overheard Ruth say "Oh, you're fine!  Gutters are natures bathtub!"

Classic.  Definitely my favorite quote of the day.

I'm not gonna lie.  It never would have occurred to me to choose the beach as a rainy day activity.  But it was a LOT of fun.  And darn pretty to boot!

A good time was had by all!

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