Sep 30, 2011

A Sticky Situation

Today got off to a rocky start.
I was in the downstairs bathroom when Gabe tried to push his way in. 
“Gabey, go out!  I’ll be done in a minute!”  I said shoving the door closed and locking it this time.
“Mom, I need to teo you someting!”
(Me through the door)
HONEY!  Mommy is going potty!  Leave me alone for a minute!  I’ll talk to you when I come out!
We went back and forth like that a few times until finally Gabe gave up.  I read a page of my book (just to prove a point) and then came out.
Gabe was standing in the hall.
“Mommy, Gway-Gway is making a mess with da peanut butto.


Okay, so maybe today wasn’t the day to take a stand for quiet bathroom time.
This is what greeted me in the kitchen:

I personally don’t think it would be very comfortable having Peanut Butter packed into all my face holes, but Gray was enjoying himself immensely. 
Just in case you’re wondering if you ever find yourself with a similar mess on your hands (and on your table and floor and child…)
Plain water doesn’t work. 
Adding baby soap only makes the peanut butter soapy, but doesn’t do anything to move or remove it.

A fingernail brush, however, proved most effective at scouring the peanut butter off the surface of Gray's head. 
Just so you know for future reference.

P.S.  A few hours after these photos were taken, we took a spontaneous road trip.  We're in Utah!


  1. Wow--Gray must love peanut butter even more than I do--awesome! (And I am also visiting UT right now; let me know if you have time to play.) xoxo

  2. I'm speechless. And not surprised at all that one of your boys would do something like this! ;D

    And hey, next time you take a spontaneous road trip, just come on up to Oregon!

  3. Wow! When I saw that photo I thought it was something way worse. Good thing he doesn't have a peanut allergy.

  4. Oh. my. goodness.. what A Crazy kid. Who does that??

  5. Only one of my children, Al!

  6. oh...WoW!! That is an instant classic.


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