Oct 21, 2011

My Mom Is Cooler Than Your Mom!

What, I never mentioned that Faezer is an artist?  Well, she is!  Back in the 60's and 70's, she worked for a magazine called "The Friend" published by the L.D.S. church for kids aged 0-12.

The two paintings we hung in the office were both in The Friend.  The one I've named "Rainy Day" was a full cover spread.  (Unfortunately, the two little cuties on each end got cropped in half because of the pre-determined canvas size.)

Just recently, my super nice cousin Brent, (elder brother of BlueLilyWendy), scanned the originals of these two pieces and gave all of my siblings a very large file of each.  (Actually, access to the files on "Dropbox" if we're being perfectly accurate.)

With the LARGE file size, I was able to order the paintings (from Wink Flash) printed on canvas, using a 60% off coupon.  SCORE!!!

The little boy in the green shirt has always reminded me of Jared Weight.
Jared, if you're out there reading this, I think my mom painted you!
I love love love these paintings, love how they turned out (minus the cropping on #1) and think they work perfect with our retro vibe.  But...

What do you think?
Be honest!
(But know that if you say anything negative about my mother or her art, I'll be forced to hunt you down and slap you with a glove filled with rocks.  On each cheek.)


  1. I think they are amazing... As is your mom!!

  2. Love them! They NEED to be in the office!!

  3. How did I never know this piece of trivia about Faezer?s

  4. I love your mom and have always loved her style of art! She's amazing. And they will look so great in the office!

    (your cuz)

  5. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them! How perfect!

  6. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Love the paintings. Aunt Fae rocks!


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