Jul 27, 2011

Tuesday and Wednesday in Hawaii

Quick Overview:

Tuesday:  Arrive in Oahu, transfer planes and fly to Hawaii aka "The Big Island", drive to Costco (YAY!) to buy food and an underwater camera, check in to Outrigger Kanaloa at Kona, go to beach at Keauhou Bay  (Pictures in yesterday's post), go to hotel pool, watch sunset from pool, stay up too late.  (When we first arrived on this island, I noticed a lot of areas that at first I thought were torn up asphalt parking lots.  Turns out, it was lava rock.)

Jet lag kept us all asleep until 10.  After a slow start, we went to a small farmers market on the resort property.  Bought two mini pies (Key Lime and Lilipoi!) and a fresh coconut.  The coconut seller macheted the top off and we drank the milk then ate the flesh.  (Is it just me, or does that sound...wrong.)

Click to play this Smilebox collageNext, went to a crowded beach.  Didn’t stay long, but got two yummy snow cones to split.  Saw a few sea turtles. (SO COOL!)  Got torn up on the lava rock.  Baby Gray ate rocks.

Left and drove quickly to Wal-mart.  Bought life jackets, camera float, pool toys and some more food.

Create your own collage - Powered by SmileboxRaced back to the hotel and dropped of Mom, Sam, Gabe and Gray and the four of us went straight to the pool.  Then Doug and Max raced back to town for the night time Manta Ray scuba tour and didn't get home until late.  Everyone had a GREAT evening.  (Despite me having to watch a bit too much of the Disney Channel with Sam and Gabe.)

(Below is an underwater video of the manta rays.  I'm just blogging it for Doug because he's been monopolizing the lap top enough as it is lately!  Our desk top computer, along with all our "household goods", will arrive on Friday.)

  More tomorrow.  
If Doug will share the computer!


  1. We are so jealous! Ohhh the joys of Hawaii! Enjoy your time!

  2. I am so jealous too!!! aWesom pictures and video!! I am glad you guys had fun!!

  3. I have to agree with everyone else.... this whole summer i have been bugging ish on how he's been there 7 times and me 0.... JEALOUS!!!!


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