May 30, 2011

Misawa Monday Preparedness Perspective - Anna

I asked Anna if she had anything to add before I published her account.  She said she hadn't really written it as a post-- just a few thoughts off the top of her head.  Then told me I was lucky to get anything at all, considering.  Considering what you ask?  Considering her husband was deployed--and had been deployed for many, many, long, long months at the time of the earthquake.  And then for many long, shaky, stressful weeks after.  In her words "It was a very dark time".  Literally, people!

Since Anna and her two little girls live near the beach, when the tsunami warning sounded, she grabbed her kids and dog and headed to higher ground.  Specifically, to the home of our friends Dave and Erin.  Turns out, when we had had a tsunami warning earlier in the year, Dave had mentioned that his home was situated at one of the highest points in Misawa.  So Anna showed up on their door-step unannounced (no phones, remember...) and stayed for a few days.

Have I mentioned that Misawa is filled with really really good people?
It is.

Here's Anna:

Hey, I had a paint can heater
Not where I originally got the instructions from, but I can't find that emergency preparedness blog again (figures). I didn't use it at the Fs cause Dave was worried about carbon monoxide, but I was fairly certain it didn't produce it, since i got it from an emergency preparedness site specifically for use inside cars/rooms at night.
Anyway. My kitchen was FREEZING the first few nights after and the electric heater is worthless in there cause it's backed up against a wall with a narrow mini alley in front of it. So I put my heater on a footstool in the middle of my kitchen and i was AMAZED at how great it worked!
So teeny, but put out quite a bit of heat. Downside, obviously, flame. I put it in a #10 can to sort of 'contain' the flame but I don't know that it did any good really. Depends on your situation/curiosity of your kids I guess.
I got a honkin' toilet paper roll though, so once I removed the core I had to use scissors to cut it and sort of jelly roll it to make it fit in the can. But they store easy and bottles of rubbing alcohol are cheap and it would have been perfect if we were without heat in the bedroom on colder nights. (of course, minding the flame, but still.)
I won't be without them ever again probably no matter where I live.
I also know how to make a cardboard oven, which I was about to use until I realized I didn't really need to bake anything, but had a propane shortage continued, I definitely would have used it. . . let me find the link....
Charcoal is easy to store and have too. Would be great to make cakes, 'comfort food' during times of stress. I know I've had Cinnabon about 18 times in the past 2 weeks. . . soooo. . . . . yeah : )

Just for the record, after numerous lengthy delays, (thanks for nothing, Libya!)  Anna's husband JUST got home and they were last seen holding hands and gazing adoringly into each other's eyes.  

As far as you know.  

Welcome home Tyler!


  1. I might count 9 weeks after teh earthquake as months. It certainly felt like months! :)

    PS. To everyone, I'm much better now. Not dark at all, promise : D

    PS also. Janeen's reunion pictures are AWESOME! I love them!!

  2. Sweet! I'm mentioned in the blog!

    Anna, we were so glad to have you over during the earthquake. It was nice to not be alone and to have your awesome emergency radio and a watch dog! Sorry about fretting about CO poisoning. A few days later someone in the area did get CO poisoning trying to stay warm--word on the street.

    It was like old-fashioned times, sitting around the radio with candle light listening to some random robot-English voice broadcast warnings and information.

    And, PS, we are one of the highest points in Misawa! I found that out with my GPS that I lost in the Hakkodas.


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