Apr 1, 2011

More Ways to Help

As life settles down around here, people are finding more and more ways to help.  Many are volunteering to do clean-up and the Red Cross is sending out bus loads of volunteers almost every day.

A few days ago a group on base (I forget who) collected and donated gently used shoes to Noda--a town to the south.

At the elementary school, someone designed a t-shirt to sell to raise funds for Sendai.

Next week, the kids will also be working on folding
Paper Cranes for Japan.
The Bezos Family foundation will donate money for every paper crane they receive.  Max and Sam's school has set a goal to make 1,000.  I'm trying to work it into an evening Relief Society activity so we can make some too.  (Though I confess, my origami skills are lacking...hopefully I can manage a crane!)
This is one you can help with too!!!  (Click the link for details!)

I plan to buy this print from Etsy when I have the budget for it.  And there are a million other things listed on Etsy under "Handmade for Japan" that raise money for relief efforts too.  Check it out.

And don't forget:  Operation Backpack!
We'll be taking the boys to the 100 Yen Store (Daiso) to buy supplies tomorrow.


In other news:

Even though my laundry looks like this right now...
Hey, at least it's all clean!

 when I heard the song "Grace" tonight, I had to stop folding immediately and make this movie.

Dear Kate Havnevik,
I'm sorry I don't have permission to use your song.  May I have permission to use your song?  I really love it.  And if it's any consolation, I did buy it on i-Tunes!

And now, once again, I've stayed up too late.  And the laundry still isn't folded.



  1. LOVE the video!

  2. Anonymous4:30 PM

    I'm on my way to the PO to mail off another box of things for project Back Pack. Love your blogs keeping it real for us over here. Great job. DSC

  3. Great job, Emily. Love the song too. And you have good pictures to represent all different aspects of what's happening.
    Good luck with your laundry:)

  4. Have doug fold the laundry while you tell me where you got that make with pins telling what volunteers did where :) Good job with the video.


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