Mar 29, 2011

A Few Little Things

*  We said good-bye to the H family at the airport yesterday!  We've been spending as much time as possible with them the last few days (weeks, and months) and it was NOT easy to say good-bye!  A *few* tears may or may not have been shed by me over the last three days.The good news is, we'll be able to meet up with them in a few short months in California.  Then, when they head to Argentina, we'll visit them there too!  (They'll never be rid of us!  Buwahahahaa!)

Doug, Wes, Dave, and Merrill
When two dentists and one doctor showed up to see him off, Wes said:  "This confirms my suspicions about the Med Group.  (i.e. that they're all a bunch of slackers.) Next time I'm going to learn more about teeth and less about flying planes."

My Gabey with the three awesome H kids
Gabe didn't want to give Madeleine a hug goodbye.  When we came home he said "I didn't want Madeleine to go to California!"  Later Max said "Just don't think about them leaving Mom.  When I think about it I get tears in my eyes!"
Janelle, Me, Tami, Rose, Janeen

*While we were eating Farewell Brownie Sundaes with the H's Monday night, the prego lady (pictured below) was having her baby via emergency c-section.  :(  No bueno!  :(

Not ideal circumstances for his arrival, but he's here, he's perfectly healthy, and he's BEAUTIFUL!!!  Wish Liz a speedy and easy recovery!

*My blog friend Carina asked me to write something for  Read it HERE.  (It's surprisingly short for me.)

*Please spread the word about "Operation Backpack" on YOUR blog!  The Misawa Girl Scout blog post with details is HERE.  You've only got about a month to get your stuff over here, so CHOP CHOP!!!  The address to mail things from the states is:
Misawa Girl Scouts
attn: Jessica Payne
Unit 5027
APO, AP  96319
Mail your donated items through the USPS (no UPS or FedEx) and fill out a customs form at the post office.  This is the complete address and is same as a P.O. Box.

Thanks in advance!  :)


  1. Glad you used a super cute group picture for your post about the clean-up. AND, why doesn't your friend want a perspective of a Ukrainian mother living in Japan-hahaha?:) J/K
    Hope we can see the Hales sometime as well...

  2. Hi, Emily! I posted about Operation Backpack today, and I am spreading the word in other ways, too. I hope it helps. love, Beth

  3. Emily. this is Katie. Jill is working Operation Backpack over here with church and she has the entire base doing this also. We put a deadline of May 1st. How is the mail system working right now? Hope everything will get there by the 15th.


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