Mar 13, 2011

Earthquake Relief and Update

*Just for your information, blankets and warm coats ARE needed.  But our post office isn't up and running so mailing them to me probably wont be efficient.  If you're in the states and would like to help, your best bet is probably to contact your local Mormon bishop or the Red Cross to find out how and where to take donations!  Thanks!

*Church members here are collecting donations of food and blankets and a group will be taking them to our neighboring city Hachinohe tomorrow.  It was slammed by a huge Tsunami and is in pretty bad shape.  (Kind of amazing we weren't hit worse considering how close we are.)

*Lights, heat, and Internet are back up for the first time in over 48 hours.  It's nice to be connected again, but horrible to see news footage of the devastation.

*We're still having plenty of aftershocks, though they're mostly small ones.  The constant motion gives you a sense of vertigo or sea sickness and lots of people have headaches.  It's getting hard to tell if we're having a quake or not.  We have to check the chandelier for reference.   I'm worried another big one will hit and knock everything out again.   Hope not!

I'll write more tomorrow if I still have Internet access.

Thanks for your prayers and concern everyone!


  1. We've been thinking of you and praying for everyone over there.

  2. I can't imagine what it must be like to have gone through what you and everyone else is experiencing over there. Thank you for the relief tips...I was wondering what I could do. And a big thank you for your emergency preparedness tips. We don't have any 72 hour kits, but I really feel the importance of them now. Sending many prayers your way!

  3. WOW - it is so good to finally hear from you....I am so glad you and your boys are safe :). We have been praying for you and all of Japan. I told my parents to read your post, they have been very concerned for you and your family as well. Thanks for the info on the 72 hour kits, we have them for Hurricane season but I now have a lot more items to add. We are all so relieved you are safe. We love you.

  4. So glad to hear you are safe. Thanks for all the updates. We're praying for all of you.

  5. Anonymous3:28 PM

    We're so proud of how courageous and wonderful you are! Even fixing salmon and couscous for all! You are awesome. Hope you are feeling warmer and safer. We are constantly praying for you. So glad you were not hit harder by the quake or by the tsunamis. Wish I could run these extra coats to your neighboring cities. Wish we could hug you. Love you so much. Hope your head is not aching. Hope the kids aren't driving you too nuts. They must be pretty disturbed by the whole experience. Maybe semi -ignore all bad behavior for a while. At least they are safe and alive. Trauma will cow out in weird ways. Such as personality changes and small ticks. So glad to hear from you!! Love

  6. Anonymous3:29 PM

    come not cow

  7. Glad you have some light, heat, and internet up; still sending love and prayers your way, and for all those touched by such an unfortunate disaster. xoxoxo Checking out donation options now.

  8. Wow! Emily I am glad things are alright with your family. Our prayers are with you and your family and all people in Japan. Thank you so much for helping us prepare for things like this that may happen in the future. It is not something we like to think about but is a wakeup call for us. You are in our prayers. Take Care and Keep your chin up. You are a strong Woman and will make it through this.

  9. Good thing you're all safe.

  10. It's good to hear from you - I know I'm just a random blog reader, but knowing people in Japan makes it so personal, and real. I (well, I was about to say "enjoyed" but that's definitely not the right word - more like appreciated) the emergency tips. It's things like candles that I never think about - that and having cash on hand. Thank goodness lately we've been doing Dave Ramsey too, so we do have cash for the first time in our marriage (I love debit cards - but it's good to remember they aren't good for everything). It's also sobering to think if we had no heat - we barely have enough blankets for our house with heat on. I'm glad you have power again - and I'm also glad the church there is able to help the Japanese (in a direct manner - we always want to help, and can donate, but when you're so far away from a tragedy, it's hard to do anything but donate money, which is good, but indirect).

  11. I have been thinking about you and your family. Glad to know that you are ok. I was so sad to hear about everything that has happened over there. We are praying for you!

  12. Emily, I am so glad you and your family are safe! Your blog provides such great information on preparedness. We are constantly being told to be prepared but reading your blog has made me realize the true importance! We will continue to send prayers your way!


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