Mar 27, 2011

Another Aftershock

I was still in bed cuddling with Sammy this morning when the aftershock hit.  It wasn't big, (here) but it was looong.  I kept waiting for it to end and when it didn't I wondered if I should get up and grab Gray out of bed...again.  But he didn't wake up and nothing fell over, so we stayed put.

When the boys were at school, I came down here and looked at  Watched the movie above.  Too depressing.

Later I turned on the T.V. in the kitchen and heard more about it.  Evidently this "aftershock" was big enough to start a new round of tsunami warnings.  Fortunately, none materialized.

Just another day in Japan.

Yesterday we had all 3 hours of church for the first time since the quake.  The heat is working in the Chapel, but not the rest of the building so we all brought our blankets again.  I was happy the kids could go to Primary again but dismayed how small our Branch is now!  Only about ten women were in Relief Society. LOTS of people took advantage of the "Voluntary Departure" and I don't blame them a bit.
We also held a special fast as a branch yesterday that our fears surrounding the earthquake/tsunami/meltdown would be calmed.  Not that the problems would cease, but that peace would come to us.

The good news of the morning is that it's a sunny day today!  Between Saturday and Sunday we got six-eight inches of snow.  (I would say three feet, but Doug says six inches.)

It's still on the ground, and still cold, but at least the sun is out.  For the sake of all those displaced/homeless/without heat, I hope spring comes SOON.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:37 PM

    You guys need a break! Conference will be just what you all need to give you a boost. Please know there are many people who don't know your community but through your blog have grown to love you! Maybe through your example you are preparing us for the fulfilling of the widows mite in our lives like when you guys took food to the other town right afte the quake; and to really live the RS motto of "Charity Never Failith". Maybe I am way off, but that is how it feels to me.


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