Dec 13, 2010

How The Pediatric Dentist Pulls Out Teeth

Services are offered for free on a first come/first served basis!


  1. ok. that is seriously NUTS. I can't believe that! I've heard of people doing it but i've never beheld it with my own eyes! yikes! I've watched it three times already and i still get anxiety right before he closes the door and am amazed right after its out. pretty cool stuff.

  2. Haha, classic. I've never actually seen it done before though!

  3. DOUG!!! I can't believe it!! Good thing it came out the first try! hahaha! Well done.

  4. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Hey that's my kid! And it was...AWESOME! Even better in person. Doug has mad skillz--I recommend him for any and all tooth removal needs. BTW, Camille has one loose on the bottom now, and she has made a by-name request for you, Doug.

  5. So that's what they teach you for four years in dental school and two years in residency:)
    That WAS pretty awesome:)

  6. Funny. That's not how Natalie got her 10 teeth pulled last month. That would have been much easier. I finally dismissed myself from the room when the Dr. said, "this isn't going to be as easy as I thought it would be."


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