Dec 11, 2010

Commence Immediate Compliance!

I told my friend Liz I was going to copy her blog post and here it is:

Dear Friends and Family,
Are you on the fence about sending a Christmas card this year?  Not sure whether or not to include a picture?  Does THIS

do anything to change your mind???

THAT, my friends, is our picture wall of fame.  (And it's quite sparse compared to years past!) Pretty much any picture you send me in the mail (and some you gift my hem large 8x10 of Wes) goes up on the wall and stays




Heck, I might leave 'em up until we move!

(Cards get put up on another wall, but I take them down after Christmas.)

[By-the-way, I'd like to point out that there is only one, ONE sibling picture in this group.  Out of Doug's five siblings, and my four, only JENNY sent a card.  Ashamed of yourselves yet siblings?  YOU SHOULD BE!]

So, hopefully this nudges you into the card+letter+picture=happiness camp.

Let the holiday mailing commence!!!

***Note:  We just got our cards from SnapFish.  Now I just have to think of something witty to write for the letter and we'll get them in the mail.***


  1. I can't wait for your card and letter, it's always one of my favorites! We're waiting for our cards but as soon as they come you'll get one :)

  2. Sure! Email me your address.
    I will send you ours and if you have enough, I'd love one from you!

  3. I'm game...What's your address, Mrs. Japan?

    And do you have to send extra japan stamps?

  4. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Ditto on needing your address!

  5. I'm not getting any cards this year, and it makes me sad, and I'm not even in Japan.

    Send over yer snail mail digits and you'll get a photo of the beeswaxes!

  6. Love it Em! Hopefully we both have full walls this year. My cupboards are looking very lonely since I took ours down. I'll send you one of ours just so we can be on your wall. (Even though you already see plenty of us in person!!)

  7. I don't see ours there, but I did mail it last week, so however long it takes to get to Japan ...


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