Nov 26, 2010


I almost forgot to blog today!  We've been busy getting ready for Christmas (Doug put lights up outside while I did the tree with the boys) and partying it up (movies for the kids, "Settlers" for grown-ups) with the H family.
Our new tradition, started by Sam last year, is to sleep under the tree the first night it's set up.

Max couldn't join these two because he just threw up.  (Hence the precautionary bowl in-between the two boys.  I took it out for the second picture.)

Dear P Family Who've Recently Had Sick Kids;  You're dead to me!

At least Max waited for the H's to leave before saying "I feel Ho-ibble" and running to the bathroom!

Dear H Family;  I'm SO SORRY in advance for what is about to befall your family.

Dear Me;  Go to bed.  All of your kids are going to be up puking soon.

Dear Everyone; Sorry for this post!

Good night!!!


  1. First time ever, I am grateful for not going to the W family.
    Sincerely, the other W family.

  2. Wowsers! That does not sound like fun! I hope everyone feels better!


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