Nov 14, 2010

Japan to the U.S. and Back: A Trip by the Numbers

Now let's review:

We flew between Misawa Japan and Seattle Washington.  That's 13,035 miles or 11,327 nautical miles--2x.  (26,070 total) 8 hours there, 10.5 hours back.

We drove through 3 states.  (And about a million cities)
In 1 week we drove from Seattle to Albany to Fairfield to Salinas to San Luis Obispo to Carlsbad where we stayed for 5 days.

We saw many friends, 3 grandpas, 3 grandmas, 4 aunts, 2 uncles, and 8 cousins.

Then drove from Carlsbad to Fairfield to Albany to Seattle where we flew back to Misawa on October 31st.

We were gone for 2 weeks and drove somewhere in the neighborhood of 1,299 miles 2x.
With 4 kids... 3 rowdy boys and 1 tiny baby!

Doug visited/ate lunch with/interviewed with/met with/chatted up 10 dentists/dental practices.

Emily bought 4 sweaters, 4 shirts, 2 skirts, 1 dress, 3 pairs of shoes, (returned 2 pairs of jeans) and 1 super cute purse.  (You can't blame me.  At 5 feet 9.75 inches, I'm WAY too amazonian to shop here.)

We came home with 2 more duffle bags than we brought, 4 spoiled kids, 16 new nervous ticks and some excellent job possibilities and prospects to pursue.

All in all, we have 1 happy, if slightly crazier, family.
I suppose that means it was worth it!


  1. That is a serious trip. Are u still recovering?

    I'm 5'9" and a little, too! Or I used to be. Am I too young to be shrinking?

  2. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I never knew you were taller than me! I must always be overwhelmed by your beauty, svelteness and lovely complexion. You are hot- too bad Krissy couldn't see you.

  3. Beeswax--I slept through our first week back, so that's all kind of a blur, but I think we're okay now. Except for Gabe. He came home with a stutter and it hasn't gone away!

    Don't worry Sheba--I always tell Krissy how hot I look whenever we're together.


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