Nov 18, 2010

I Laughed, I Cried, I Blogged About It...

I saw this clip on another "Mommy Blog" and laughed and laughed.  (And wanted to cry.)

I swear on a stack of every holy book in the world that while I was watching this, Gabe was standing at my elbow doing the EXACT same thing.  As he does multiple times daily.  Only when he finally gets my attention and I say "WHAT!?!!?!?!!?" he says "I yub you Mama!" and runs away.

Man, I love that annoying little angel!


  1. My favorite EVER!!! This episode had me laughing for weeks. Stewey is the nick name of my friend Steph's son Riley. This skit is the epitome of resemblance! Have I not told you this story? A jewel of a find :)

  2. hahahaha! So true!!!!


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