Nov 11, 2010

Gray's First Bath?

Grandma Fae always gets to do the honors of giving each of my babies their first bath.  (Usually before the cord falls off delaying the cord falling off an extra week or two.)

 Hey look!  It's Gray's first bath!

Okay, maybe he's had a FEW in Japan over the last 7 months, but really...
this is the one that counts!


  1. Holy shmokes. That is tre cute!!

  2. Awesome!! Grandma's are the best, what sweet pics.

  3. Seeing your mom flooded my mind with some of my best childhood memories. I adore her and I always wanted to grow up to be just like her. I loved how gracious and kind she was when we came to visit. I loved the yummy breakfasts and dinners she made.... I just love My Aunt Fae!

  4. Anonymous10:41 AM

    I love that second picture!!!

  5. i think you need to frame that last pic. it's precious


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