Nov 7, 2010

Another Day, Another (Two) Road Trip(s)

From Salinas we went straight to Paso Robles.  "Pahh-so" as the locals call it, (not Paw-so like you're supposed to say it en espanol) is just a little North of San Luis Obispo close to the central California coast.

The great part about this leg was that Grandpa Dale (aka Papa Disneyland) drove out from Clovis to meet us.  Right about the time Doug went in to his interview, Grandpa showed up with treats and DVD's to keep the boys from tearing the rental van apart.

We drove to a park in the center of town and that's when I fell in love.  Paso Robles is such a cute, quaint small town!  The downtown area has been restored and revitalized and is incredibly charming!
Let's just say you wouldn't need to hold a gun to my head to get me to live there.  I loved the area.  That evening, we went to a local steak house where Claudia, my dad's wife met us for dinner at a restaurant the boys loved because root beer floats came with every meal!

After dinner, we said goodbye to Grandpa and Claudia and got on the road again.  Doug said he wanted to wake up and not have to drive!

So we headed for THE PROMISED LAND:  Carlsbad.

to be continued...


  1. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I'm ready to live there...sight unseen. Especially ready for the quaint town thing. We don't have those here. Love the root beer float idea with every meal. Maybe we'll implement that here.

  2. The promised land misses you. And I'm having Grayson withdrawls.


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