Sep 17, 2010

...But I Turn Into A Pumpkin Around 2200...

Doug:  "Blah blah blah Air Force Ball blah blah..."
Me:  "Huh?  What?  We're going to the Ball?  No one asked ME!  Where's my engraved invitation?"

A few days later:

Well, in that case...

"YES!!!  I'll go to the Ball with you!!!"

 A few of our BFF's:

 My friend Masami in her BEAUTIFUL kimono!  Gorgeous!

The new base commander and his wife:  Good people!

A good time was had by all.  I'm glad I said yes!


  1. Okay, that is just TOO fun.

    You all look wonderful. Glad you had a great time!

  2. Haha, love the way he asked you! I once asked a guy similarly, but used fortune cookies.

    You look gorgeous!

  3. Anonymous10:58 AM

    You look beautiful!!!

    I think you should pop over to my blog and see who won the cider give away. :)

  4. Aw, shades of high school, I love it! What a man.


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