Sep 14, 2010

Another Excellent Day! Get (another) Tissue!

My oldest child is sort of spoiled.  I mean, don't get me wrong, he's really cute and sweet and all.  But he's lived in some cool places and done a lot of cool stuff in his 8.5 years on earth and he takes it all for granted.  It's really really hard to impress the little punk!
This most recent example was frustrating because we (his parents) were SO PUMPED...

Us:  "Hey Boys!  This is a really special day!  We get to do something REALLY cool!"
Max:  "What?"

Us:  "Well first off, we get to be HERE!  They usually don't let ANYONE on to this part of the base unless they work here and have a special pass.  And not very many people do!"

Max:  "So?  It doesn't look very secure to me!"

Us:  "Well it IS!  And lots of people would LOVE to see what you're about to see."

Max:  "Why is it so cool?"

Us:  "Because this plane is REALLY COOL and costs MILLIONS OF DOLLARS and most people have to stay far away from them!  AND, Mr. Wes is FINALLY coming HOME!!!"

Max:  "How long has he been gone again...?"
Us:  "Almost five months!  Miss Tami hasn't had anyone to help her for FIVE MONTHS!"  
Max:  "Oh. -pause-  I need to go to the bathroom."
Us:  "ARGH!  We give up!  Just trust us!  Someday you'll think this is REALLY COOL!!!"

This is where it gets really good...
He missed his oldest daughter's birthday...
He missed his baby's first birthday...
And he missed his wife's birthday.
He missed parties and get-togethers.
He missed climbing Fuji, helping his wife through illness and injuries, the changing of copious poopy diapers and helping get three kids ready for church every single week.
He really missed his family...
and maybe even his friends a little.  
"Doug, this is as cool as your job will ever get!"*

And we REALLY missed him!  

Wes, we're so glad you're home!!!  
Plus it was super rad watching you fly in and land your F-16.

At least Sammy thought it was cool...
We'll work on Max.
The End

*Our friend Tyler said this to Doug while his picture was being taken with Wes.  Amen to that!


  1. Dang Emily... you made me cry! Love the pics... can I steal a few? Pretty sure we won't get that opportunity very often in our life!

  2. That is awesome!! So glad Wes is home AND you got to watch him land his cool plane:) Great pictures!

  3. Welcome home Wes!!!! For what it's worth, I feel cool just looking at the pictures! :) Awesome!

  4. im linz sister love the pictures sooooo cooool

    welcome home wes & thank you for serving our country

  5. Emily, if you don't stop making me cry I just might have to stop reading your blog!! Okay, I won't but man, I hate to cry in the middle of the day!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. You are my idol keeping a blog and sharing how cool life is with others. In fact, I think you're so cool I'm going to share your blog on my FB page. The only catch is I'm going to put it out as my blog, since I long to be as cool as you ;P

  8. Thanks to Roxanna, I got to see this wonderful blog post! Glad to see pics of Wes getting back home--and there is nothing much cooler than watching kids run into their Daddy's arms as he gets out of his jet! (By the way-- tell Sam that Jake says hi-- he misses his buddies from last year)!

  9. Cool photography! Wes you rock! Nice writing Em!

  10. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Em--I'm sitting in the Sea-TAC USO and Tami said I should look at your blog...thanks! I've been home less than a week and it's been such a whirlwind with this short-notice race back stateside that I needed a reminder of what awesome family and friends I have. It was great to have you and D-fresh there with the boys--even if Max is too cool for school.


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