Aug 22, 2010

Winner Winner

I once asked Em to blog something for me and she made me start my own blog. But now I don't Feel so Bloggy anymore and have taken to making Photo Books via Blurb. But I'd thought I blog this.

A few months ago I entered a photo contest for dental supply company, Ultradent. They were looking for pictures to put into their 2011 Calendar. So i submitted some and then got a letter in the last week saying I had been selected! and won a free calendar and a $20 Starbucks gift card!!!

I was/am very excited.

Here is the picture!!

So Hurry and get your Ultradent Calendars!!! 


  1. Leave my blog alone!

  2. Is this in Hawaii at the house? Can we go back?!

  3. Cool! Congratulations!

  4. Wow you're famous!! Congratulations!!

  5. Yes Melissa and yes Melissa.

    Sunset Beach, North Shore Oahu at sunset.


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