Aug 1, 2010

Sammy's Birthday and a Mario Cake

Friday evening:
D:  (Walking in the door from work.) "How ya doing?" 
Me:  "I bought three box fans on-line from Amazon today."  
D:  "Those will come in handy when they get here in December."  
Me:  "Yeah, well that's what happens when I have to bake a cake in a thousand degree house!  I do desperate things!"
D:  "Maybe it would be cheaper to buy him a cake next year."
Me:  "Bite me."  (I get a little testy after 6 hours of cake making.  And I may or may not over-use this expression.  And D may or may not bite me when I use this expression.)
We were camping the actual day of Samuel's birthday so it was postponed until this last Friday.  He seemed to enjoy himself so I'm assuming it was worth the wait.  He wanted a Mario cake.

By the time I got this far, the frosting was melting in the heat.  So chocolate side burns.  Plus, I couldn't find the candy I bought for the I used construction paper. 

It was so stinkin' hot I didn't even care!  And everyone still ate it!

Jess did his face for him...

The boys played the Wii... (Super Mario, of course) and then we opened presents.

"Heavy, heavy hang-over, thy poor head.  Whatdaya wish this person with a BUMP on the head?!"

He was one happy boy opening his presents:

A Toy Story Lego set from Mom and Dad  (Dad already helped him super-glue it together.)
A "Cars" Slip n' Slide from his brothers (Will be broken out--and probably broken--tomorrow.)
Another Lego set from (neighbor) Michael, and a 
Super Hero action figure from (pre-school buddy) Payden.  (Super Man, I think...?)

Pretty much exactly what he would have picked for himself.
Yep, heat and delay's not withstanding, I'd say he had a pretty happy birthday.

Happy Birthday Sammy-boy!  It's been pretty awesome having you around for six years.  

We love you!!!


  1. Haha, I love him as Mario. So cute.

  2. Happy birthday Sam!! He's a doll! GREAT cake!

  3. The cake turned out great!!! Good job, Emily! Happy birthday, Sam!

  4. That cake was awesome. You are such a good sport to make it in the heat! I just told Brad I think he should take over the cake decorating job for birthdays at our house (like another dad we know!). I love the picture of him blowing the candles.

  5. That cake looks awesome! Okay so for mikes birthday we need a Star trek symbol! hahha lol you did great! you are such an amazing mother!


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