Jul 10, 2010

Tonami Clan Memorial Village -1st stop of the Fourth of July Weekend

Did I mention the Gates of Hell?  Well, we'll get to that.  But I'd better go chronologically.  The first outing of the looong 4th of July weekend was a visit, with our new friends the O-T's, to Tonami Clan Memorial Village.  ("This site honors Yasuto Hirosawa who brought Western farming methods to Japan."  In case you were wondering.)

This is Nya, Gabe, and Nya's Mommy.  They go to church with us.  Nya has been over to play a few times and Gabey LOVES her.

 (Notice Nya's fingers in the below picture...this little girl has some BIG personality.  She's a cutie-pie.)

I should mention we did a kid swap with some neighbors on this day.  Max went with the P's to a baseball game in Sendai while (their kid) Chipmunk stayed with us for the day.  Chip is Sam's best friend so this arrangement worked well for everyone.

This is Doug with Chipmunk (who is not our son) in a go-cart (not our go-cart) with a Japanese man (who is not our Japanese man.)

It was fun day until the pig farm smells and the fog rolled in.  Then it was time for us to roll out.

Next stop:  MONDAY!  Wherein we take a bunch of cars on a wild goose chase looking for pottery!

Stay tuned!

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