Jun 19, 2010

Marinepia Aquarium - Stop 4

Marinepia was established in 1927 (and it's showing it's age a bit.  It's not exactly pristine like say, Monterey Bay Aquarium.) making it one of the oldest aquariums in Japan.  Over 300 different species (many of them butt ugly) totaling over 4000 marine animals are displayed in the aquarium's geographic theme parks.  (Seriously.  Biggest bunch of ugly sea life I've ever seen.  Too ugly to even want to photograph.  The seal show was cool though!)

Welcome to the Aquarium!  
Buy a stuffed animal while you're here!

"I wonder if I could touch one of the penguins and get away with it..."

"Hey, what's the little Gaijin doing in our picture?"
"Oh well!  PEACE!"

"You pway in da pee-pees wif me Ashey?"

"Dad, the seals play volleyball better than Mommy!"

And just as an added bonus, 
Wanna know how Gray was feeling about the trip?

Part 5, the Grand Finale if you will, on Tuesday.  I have a few other things set to go up in the mean time.


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