May 19, 2010

Living with Boys Means...

someone is always having to say...

"I'm sorry!"

(and it ain't me.)


  1. =O!!!! I'm so sorry! And so is... whoever did that! ;)

  2. are those corell dishes? and aren't they supposed to be unbreakabl

  3. Wow, now that's what I call a mess. You are hilarious, we just skimmed through your blog (didn't know you had one) and are loving it. We want to come to Japan for some nifty trinkets!

  4. ...and congrats on your new baby as well.

  5. hey thanks for stopping by!
    your little existence doesn't look so bad either!!
    i wouldn't mind coming to japan. didn't have time to really look around so i'll have to stop by later.
    that r2d2 cake is the bomb!

  6. Wow - what a party you are having in Japan. HAHAHA!!!

  7. Em: Yeah, I thought they were unbreakable too...that's why we use them. Unfortunately, even Corel can't be stacked in a large pile and then dropped while being shoved onto a tall shelf.

    Who knew?

  8. LOL! I think this picture just made my day.

  9. Ummm. . . New BFF? Whaaat?

    I only have girls, so this has never happened to me, but I can tell you this: When we were first married, someone had given us Corelle dishes for a wedding gift. We had a couple of friends over for dinner and I mentioned that Corelle was supposedly unbreakable. My husband said, "Let me see it."

    I handed him a plate and he just picked it up and flung it like a frisbee across the room. It hit the doorknob and shattered into a trillion pieces, kind of like that photo, there.

    So, I didn't know who was responsible for that.

    Thanks for stopping by. I'll be back.

  10. lol///
    Thanks for stopping by... I had to laugh hard at this picture.-- sounds like you are well adjusted to life with boys!
    a mother after my own heart!
    so nice to meet you!

  11. I am so sorry to ruin the illusion of your perfect marriage!

    Maybe I should do tips for perfect children. :) Except, I don't have any. Hasn't stopped me before!


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