May 10, 2010

Baby Gray

Doug made a slide show of Baby Gray and posted it on his blog, but we couldn't figure out how to share the link. So I made it again in iMovie and changed it up a bit.

For example, I included video footage of myself giving birth. Very brave of me I think. So if you don't want to see a side view of my nekkid swollen leg, don't watch. (Don't worry too much. It only shows my leg. Nothing else.)

About the music: The song I used is called "Baby Don't You Cry (The Pie Song)" by Quincy Coleman and Andrew Hollander. It comes from the movie "The Waitress" and Gabe insists that I sing it to him every single night. It's definitely a family favorite in the lullaby department. (And in case you've lived your entire life under a rock, the second song is "What a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong)



  1. seriously Em?! Where do you find time to post anything? I love all of your pics and thoughts. he's so precious

  2. Why can't I see it? I want to see your nekked leg!

  3. I can't watch it either... **sad face**

  4. you are a tease! don't post a video and then when i go to watch it have it say that im not special enough to watch it. ruuuude. lol

  5. thank you for the suggestion of the knockoffwood site. It's right up my alley! your video is darling. Congratulations! I'm so glad everything worked out. XO

  6. Oooooohhhh, I was special enough to watch the video!! Love it! Love the pictures, love the videos, especially of Gray's close-ups. You have nice legs. And I love the music:)


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