Apr 4, 2010

He's Here!

Baby ???? Warner was born on April 5, 2010 at 03:48. He is 9 pounds 2 oz and 21 inches! No name decided yet, we have never known the name on any of the kids for the first few hours.
Em is doing great. Baby got a little meconium in the lungs and had some labored breathing but is doing better. They are just keeping a closer eye on him in the nursery. He's already looking better. Oh, and I (Doug) got to catch him! More to come...


  1. Congratulation! He's a sweet "little" thing! Glad everyone is doing great. Can't wait to hear his name!

  2. What happy news! He looks like a perfect little boy (if 9 pounds is still considered "little"). Well done.

  3. Yeah! I was just thinking about you. Congratulations on a big boy!

  4. yahoo! Congrats you guys, he's a little sweetie pie! Wow, I can't believe how big he is, guess that's what an extra week will do. I'm looking forward to hearing what you name him.

  5. Ooh, big babies are the best. You can't break 'em! I can't wait to meet the (not so) little guy in person. In the meantime, let him know his Auntie Dubbie loves him.


  6. Congrats! You make me want my baby to come right now. Well, not really right now, I'm only 29 weeks. More like, you make me really wish I were full term. How did the labor go, compared to last post's discussion of labor?

  7. good to hear mom and baby are doing great!! congrats!

  8. Reldon? Welcome to Japan.

  9. Yea!! Congratulations! He looks wonderful! Can't wait to see more! **hugs**

  10. Congrats to the "Little Boys Blue" family!

  11. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Congratulations from the Wengreens and especially from Auntie Beth! We love you guys so much and wish we could hold new baby right now. He is beautiful. So proud of you Emily. You are awesome!

  12. Congrats! Big babies really are great! He is a cutie! Congrats!

  13. A few thoughts...
    1. Congratulations! So happy for the Dub family. You make cute boys.
    2. Wow, he's big. Almost as big as a Monty baby. Almost.
    3. It confuses me that his birthday is April 5 in Japan but it's only the 4th here. Have you considered celebrating his b-day in Pacific time zone since he'll be a Cali boy anyway? 4/4 is a pretty cool b-day. Hmmm.
    4. I wanna see that boy via skype. We'll work out the details later.
    5. Hugs!!

  14. Congratulations Emily!!! I'm so happy for you. He looks like a "keeper." Hope you had access to your epidural as soon as you arrived at the hospital. Being a low-pain tolerance person myself, I've been thinking a lot about you. Isn't having it over the best?! Love, Aunt Sue

  15. Horray for another cute Dub boy! I can't wait to find out his cute name too.

  16. He is beautiful. Good work Emily!!! 9 pounds - wow.

  17. Congratulations guys!

  18. He's here and he's perfect! Nice work Emily!!!! Hope your painful pnoderances were not realities!!! Can't wait to meet the lil guy........ Max and Gabe were so cute when I saw them today.....I asked if they were excited to be BOG brothers and they both SMILED BIG AS EVER and exclimed "YEH, UH HUH!!!!"

  19. Congrats! He's adorable. Hope all is well.

  20. Oh Em Congrats. I love that our babies are one week apart. so cute!! I can't believe how big he is! My guys looks like a shrimp compared to him. haha. So wonderful for you and Doug, congrats again!


  21. OH MY GOSH. I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE THAAAAT PREGNANT! A new baby boy for me to love :)

  22. I have been thinking about you guys! Congratulations and he is a darling hefty little guy (I've had a couple that big). I hope everything is settling in okay- love his name too!

  23. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Those cheeks must come from Doug's side of the family. I don't recall you or any of your siblings ever having cheeks that big.
    Congratulations. Our Heavenly Father has truly blessed you both. And what a great blessing for Grayson's brothers. Love, Dad


  25. congratulations emily! you are a brave woman to be on the mothering train so far from home! babies are the best... and boys are the best... recovering from baby boys, not so much, but i wish you lots of rest and and speedy healing:) he's beautiful and yummy!


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