Apr 8, 2010

Baby Love

I'm home. (As of yesterday afternoon.)
My milk is in. (ouch.)
My belly button is still out. (ick.)

I'm tired. Exhausted. Overwhelmed that I now have four (FOUR) energetic boy-children...

I'm sad that my mom can't be here to see and hold and love and bathe my baby. (She always bathes the baby too early so the cord takes 3-17 weeks to fall off.)


I'm thankful for hospitals and drugs (I love you Epidural! You failed me, Podcast Birthing Meditation!) and inspired modern medicine and Doctors and Nurses.

I'm especially thankful for friend-Doctors who can assist awesome husbands in giving Priesthood blessings. (But that's a story for another day.)

I'm thankful for all of our friends here who've;
brought gifts, treats, flowers, and meals,
taken Gabey for play-dates,
and called or come over to visit me.

I'm grateful for Skype so at least Baby Gray can be admired all over the world in real time.

Mostly, I'm just in love with my baby! Looking at him I think "Why did I ever want a girl? Girls are over-rated!!!" I wouldn't trade him for anything. Or any girl. I can't stop kissing his chubby cheeks and neck and lips and feeling his soft, silky hair and skin.

He's perfect!
And he's hungry.
A lot....
Especially at night.

So I should go now.



  1. He's so sweet. Congrats!

  2. Gray is so so sweet! I wish I could come kiss those cheeks too! Congratulations again!!

  3. Adorable Emmy! Come visit this summer!! His GIRL cousins want to meet him.

  4. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Love the post and the pictures. Tell us (by email) when is a good time to Skype so we can see you and Gray live when you are less busy. (if ever)

  5. I love him, his face, his cheeks his name. I wanted to name a child Grey but Grey Hughes does not sound too well, I also liked the name Blue but that is even worse Blue Hughes, sounds like the kids Tv show Blues Clues. But Greyson Dub now that's a great name!! Lots of Love!!!!

  6. Yes I can spell. It's the Spanish, it has taken me over, I know how to spell Gray and Grayson. It still love the same, even spelled correctly.

  7. Congratulations! I'm very excited for you. I love the name by the way!

  8. Gorgeous. B and I wish you all the very best.

  9. Boys are the best! What a sweetie. Congratulations!


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