Mar 10, 2010

Guest Posting Elsewhere Today

I wrote an essay for my Carlsbad friend Naomi to post on her new blog: Educated Mormon Women. (It's a great blog--you should add it to your Reader and consider submitting something!)

So if you need to delay washing the dishes for another 10 minutes, and you want to know my excuses for why I'm such a slacker, you can read it HERE.

P.S. While reading up on ADD/ADHD (for the sake of my boys, of course) I learned that many people with ADD enjoy doing things with their hands, like gardening and pottery (two of my favorite things); and also...they (we) like driving fast.

Go figure.


  1. Hey Emily! Aunt Sue here. I'm part of your family, AND I READ YOUR BLOG EVERY TIME YOU POST!!! I don't comment, but I REALLY, REALLY ENJOY your humor and talent. You're awesome! Don't know if you have ever checked out my blog at, but you're welcome to visit someone who is completely blog illerate and has taxed my limit in being able to do the minimum. I don't even know how to get back into my post to fix typos I find after it's posted. Frowny face. Oh wait, that's ):

    You did great on the guest blog. Thanks for turning me onto that one. It's in my google reader now.

    Love, Aunt Sue

  2. Anonymous7:08 PM

    I must say that Sue you have one on me because I do feel I'm computer literate but I do not blog.... don't try so... good for you.

    Emily.... I found the information interesting... I have always felt I was an undiagnosis ADHA.


  3. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Emily--I liked your article on the educated mormon women blog. I am surprised, though, that you didn't mention that you have learned enough about pottery and ceramics to not only teach it to other people, but to run an entire program! Some knowledge comes with a certificate, some does not. Both kinds can be valuable. --Erin

  4. Erin--You're good for my self esteem! :)

  5. I don't know why, but that post made me cry...
    I have a four year degree, but I think you are much more equiped to go back to work than I am. You are SOOO creative!

    ..And I think you are a much better person than I am.

  6. Thanks for doing this, friend. And spreading the word...

  7. See? even with a degree I cannot spell--EQUIPPED:)

  8. Emily, I loved your post. You and my Shannon are long, lost sisters. If she turns out as great as you then all our hard work and tears will have been worth it. Some days I wonder, other days I'm confident it will be alright. She's a great kid with a unique, vibrant personality. Luckily she's been successful at school, with the exception of math. But I'm really dreading middle school next year and all that is involved in that transistion. And she has an amazing artistic talent that gives her something to be proud about. She's just a bit slower in development socially and emotionally, which took me a long time to realize and understand is a common thread with ADD/ADHD. When we lived in Taiwan I ran into a teacher on a hiking trail who noticed I was with Shannon. She said, "Oh, you're Shannon's mom. (I was nervous of her next line) She has such a great personality. She's going to go far." That was such a great thing to hear at the time I was struggling to understand about how Shannon worked. Anyway, you are great and those boys are so blessed to have you and Doug.

  9. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Fun post. Sounds like you had a great mom (and a real a_ _ hole of a father growing up). You can always go back to school if you feel you want to after you raise your boys. I heard about a great grandma finally getting a degree. Degrees are over rated when it comes to "real education" I got from raising my kids.


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