Feb 14, 2010

Sunday and Monday in Hua Hin


It only took us 2.5 hours to get to the Anantara resort on Sunday morning. Doug is used to things taking twice as long as promised, so he was pleasantly surprised we got here in the estimated amount of time!

I was just stunned by what awaited us:

A sumptuous open-air lobby filled with beautiful wood work, cut tropical flowers everywhere, large pillow-filled beds (divans?), and excellent art work...

A beautiful, traditionally dressed woman offering cold towels and an icy, bright purple drink ("No alcohol! Made from flower!")...

But wait! There's more!

Not only is the entire resort absolutely lush and beautiful, but our ROOM was MUCH NICER than we expected! I mean, it actually looks like the rooms on the website! When does THAT ever happen?

Huge tiled tub adorned with cut orchids and a bag of bath salts...
Ginger soap, Ylang Ylang Shampoo, and Frankincense Conditioner...
Fresh fruit in a basket on the table (along with guide to "Fruits of Thailand")...
Robes and slippers and beautiful bamboo umbrellas provided for your (my!) convenience...

Yep, we were pretty stoked/overwhelmed! (And we sorta feel like posers since we're not, ya know, filthy rich--or even a little rich--like the rest of the guests seem to be!)

As soon as we got settled in, we changed into our swimsuits and went straight back out. First we went to the beach and stood talking in the calm, warm water for awhile. Then, we went to one of the swimming pools to relax for awhile.

After lunch by the beach, we went to another pool with a pool side bar and Doug ordered me a Chocolate/Banana/Creme smoothie...


You should be.

(Honestly, I'm completely baffled--but thrilled--by Doug's lack of tight-waddery on this trip! It's sorta miraculous, frankly! He actually bought me an over-priced drink! More than once!!!)

The rest of the day and the next day?
More of the same. Sun, Swimming, and frosty drinks in the pool. Heaven!

Totally worth trading in a lifetime of gifts.

I'm really not trying to brag...too much...(maybe a tiny bit)...just sayin', if you're ever in Thailand (and you should be) you've definitely got to stay at Anantara Resort and pay whatever exorbitant price they ask. (Which Doug assures me I don't want to know.) Totally worth it!!! (I'm guessing, since I really don't know the price.)

I'll add pictures when I get home to the camera cord for my camera which I forgot to bring. Or you can see some Doug has on his blog from his camera!

Thanks for the great V-day gift, Sugar Lips! (yeah, yeah...and birthday, anniversary, Mother's Day, Christmas...I get it!)

And thanks for recommending this place and convincing Doug to take me here, Interpreter Pim! I owe you big time!!!

Viva Thailand!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah. I'm totally jealous! What a fun trip!! I am glad you had such a great time!


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