Dec 6, 2009

Maxwell's Baptism

Saturday was a big day around these parts. Maxwell turned EIGHT and was BAPTIZED a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The baptism was held at our local church building here in Misawa and the room was packed! Lots of friends from church and four of Doug's fellow dentist's came to show support and love for Max and our family. It was really really cool. The talks were great, the music was great, the baptism didn't have to be done twice because of un-dunked clothing or, in other words, GREAT...!
Max was on top of the world all day. He bustled around doing chores without being asked (so unlike the Birthday Brat I turn into on MY birthday) and was acting so mature and grown up all day. On Sunday he even fasted and bore his testimony for the very first time. I'm so proud of him!
If I wasn't absolutely POSITIVE I'm only 24 or 25, I might think I was getting old or something. I have an EIGHT year old!!!

Now indulge me as I take a quick jaunt down memory lane...

Our first family Christmas picture: (Notice the drool-wet shirt.)
Do you see the beautiful Golden Gate Bridge in the background? Well, it's there. Quite close, as a matter of fact. (We're at Baker Beach. In the fog. Obviously.) You'll just have to trust me.
Max and his girlfriend (and betrothed) Ani. Easter Sunday 2006.
I just love this picture. Taken In our tiny San Francisco apartment with the beautiful Eucalyptus trees in the background. ...Before my fear of him falling out said window became too acute.
Holding Gabey after church in Rhode Island.

Dave's wedding in Mesa. Look how white his hair is!

He made quite a name for himself in our neighborhood in S.F. (This is what happens when you go camping shortly after potty training.)
I love you, Maxer!!!


  1. Congratulations Max!!! I can't believe he's 8! What a wonderful young man! =D

  2. Congrats to Max!

  3. Congratulations! What a special day!

  4. awesome! Congratulations Max!

  5. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Congrats Max! That is awesome. And yes I am all to aware of the Birthday Brat you turn into! :) :) What a great day for you exciting! Miss you guys and Happy Thanksgiving Em! xoxoxo

  6. Congrats to Max.! 8 felt like such a big milestone for me as a mom, where do all the years go?

  7. Oh, say it isn't so! Didn't we all leave SF like 2 minutes ago and he was only 4?! Wow, I just won't accept it. I know it's a great thing and all that, but he will forever remain the little boy who peed down into the courtyard when the bathroom was just a few feet away! Congrats Max, you've become a great little man. Can't wait to see you when you all come home!


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