Sep 9, 2009

IT'S A...


I had my first ultrasound today! Based on the ultrasound and the FDLP date, I am officially allegedly 9 weeks and 4 days pregnant with a due date of April 10th, 2010.

We heard and saw the heart beat, and saw the tiny line of a spine and the leg and arm buds.

It looked to be a decidedly female bean to me, but I'm not getting my hopes up. (Who am I kidding?!)

In other news, Sammy FINALLY started kindergarten yesterday, got his first "Green" today, and now has a fever and probably wont go tomorrow. (Big sigh from Mom.) Nothing like a Back-to-School virus to get me all excited about the upcoming cold and flu season.

In even otherer news, Gabe wants me to entertain him the entire time his brothers are gone. The ENTIRE TIME! This means we play "catch". A LOT of "catch". And boy is he mad when I want to STOP playing "catch" after 3.5 hours...
So to punish me, he's climbs out of his crib at nap time and/or runs away to the neighbors when my back is turned.

And here I thought having only one at home would be EASIER!

That's all for now. Will blog again when there's a break in the nausea.

Queasily yours--


  1. I really hope you have a girl because girls are fun. And anyone who has played "catch" for 3.5 hours deserves some ribbons and bows. Of course you're a really good "boy mom," so maybe you'll just continue that trend. It seems like the Lord is having a lot of people specialize lately. But, for whatever it is worth, I'll send girl vibes you way.

  2. Yea! Congratulations on seeing your bean!! That's exciting!

  3. Anonymous8:25 AM

    April 10th sounds like a great birthday, just ask Ky! Figured you have my birthday covered, so lets move on down the Therklesen line!;) That means only 4 more pregnancies to go and you could potentially hit all our birthdays!:) Love ya emmy...I feel like its a female bean too!

  4. Congratulations on baby #4! Sorry about the nausea (been there) - 3 boys are so fun, aren't they?!I have 3 boys, 2 girls, and am really, really happy it's YOU pregnant, not me!!

  5. Congrats on the baby! That is so exciting. Hope you start feeling better.

  6. Can you not say 'arm buds'... I am eating here!

    And I am pretty sure my mini wheat's look like arm buds!!!

    Maybe you are having a mini wheat and not a bean!!! Maybe beans are boys and mini wheat's are girls... this could be a good thing... hey anyone want some of my percocet?

  7. I think my bean had a bow in its hair! Yours does too, I'm sure of it.

    I'm thirteen weeks along and I drank TWO bottles of WATER today! Is remarkable progress. Nausea is the absolute worst. I'm so sorry.

    You got some zofran? Although, it only helps me not puke, it doesn't help the nausea.

  8. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Congratulations! I hope the nausea ends soon.


  9. Sorry you are nauseated and don't have a sympathetic husband. Love you and MY bean.

  10. Congratulations! (on kindergarten AND the bean)

  11. so, is a green like a good thing? in kody's class it's green, yellow, red. if they get red the parents are called and the kid gets a 5 minute time out.

  12. Guess what!!! I am due April 18th!!! Why don't we live by each other again? Air Force Shmair Force!

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    Anne Stephanie Cruz

  15. Wahoo! Congrats on the little girl bean. We will send girly vibes your way because those are the only vibes we have here. I hope you feel better soon!


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