Aug 23, 2009

Items of Note/Notorious Items

All of these items could be their own post.  But I don't have that kind of time so take what you get and be happy about it!!!

*Sammy had a birthday and turned 5. 

*Doug and I had a big fight but we made up.  And then we had our 9 year anniversary the next day.  Maybe I'll post about it one day.  (The anniversary--not the fight.  That would be like admitting we don't have a perfect marriage.  Which we do.  BTW, we fought on our 8 year anniversary too.  It's our new fun anniversary tradition.)
*I'm supposed to be returning from hiking Mt. Fuji right now.  But I'm not.  (FORTUNATELY!!!)  Because I have bigger fish to fry/people to buy food for.

*I was called to be "Camp Food Coordinator" (or something) and I'm headed to church GIRL'S CAMP Tuesday morning.  (And the commissary is closed on Monday, and I can't shop on Sunday, so I had to shop on Saturday, which meant I couldn't hike Mt. Fuji.)  (FORTUNATELY!!!)

*Though I LOVE camping, I never really liked Girl's Camp as a 12-16 year old.  Too much drama.

*And frankly, I'm pretty sure I don't like camping with Morning Sickness, either.  (How's THAT for drama?!?)

*If you noticed I'm getting fatter and asked if I was pregnant...I forgive you.  ('Cause I am and I am.  But I didn't know it at the're not forgiven.)

*Doug participated in his FIRST TRIATHALON on Saturday morning and did quite well.  Not that I would know as I was home sleeping and didn't arrive on scene until 40 minutes after he finished.  But I HEAR he did quite well.  Go Doug.  (But NO Doug.  You may NOT buy an expensive bike.)

*I personally believe marathons and triathalons are for MASOCHISTS!  Yeah, you heard me every.single.female.friend I have!!!  Masochists and CRAZY PEOPLE!!!!!

*I (also) personally believe the only good reason to run is if you're being chased.  By a mugger.  (If I've said it once, I've said it 10,000 times!!!)

Well, that pretty much sums up the last two months.  Any questions?


  1. I loved this post. I always felt the same way about running, but I've learned to at least deal with it. While I'm out there, I think, "Why do I jog? I hate it!" But I realize how great of an outlet it is. Like my sister says, "Jogging is free therapy."

    And congrats on being pregnant.

  2. Sounds like you could use some free therapy.

    hurry home so we can fight about you announcing our pregnancy on the blog before telling my family!!!!

  3. Huzzah!

    (BTW, I'm fine with the announcement being made here because that means I probably the first in the extended Dub fam to find out.)

  4. Great times are happening in Japan! Great work Doug on your triathlon. Hurray on being pregnant. What exciting news. I agree on the free therapy..I run so I do not go insane.

  5. Great post!!

    Congratulations on your pregnancy!! YEA! That's great!!!!

    Also, good jon Doug on the tri! We're doing one in November! (And we just bought both of us expensive bikes... =D)

  6. I totally agree about the running. Although, if I got chased, I'd get caught right away. Cause I am slow and easily winded, cause I don't run in triathalons and such.

    Sorry about the sick. I can empathize mightily.

  7. Congrats Emily!! Praying for a girl for you guys :)

  8. I want more baby info!

  9. YAY! Congratulations! :)

  10. Wait...I don't remember you gaining ANYTHING with Gabe. There's no way you could be fatter! :)

  11. Congratulations!!! :-)

  12. Oh cool!!! Congratulations! I hope you get your girl! ;)

  13. We are all rooting for you to finally get a little Emalina. Congratulations! Wow, what a crazy thought - having baby number 4 in JAPAN!!! Maybe you could name him/her Haiku. Oh, and good job Doug on the triathlon.

  14. Girl! It's going to be a girl!!!!!!!!!! And you gaining weight? PLEASE!!!!! I don't see it happening with you Miss Skinny :)

  15. I am definitely thinking PINK! So, what will it be--cardigan, dress, pull over, blanket? Let me know so I can get started. Congratulations.

  16. Congrats on baby #4, how exciting! I think you should go with "Fuji" for a middle name, that would be cooler than actually climbing the mountain. Did you really have people asking if you were preggo?

  17. Congrats...think Girl, girl! Scott has done 3 triathalons this summer. Yup I said 3. He's crazy. I did a 5K this summer and thought I was going to die.

  18. What's the deal with the swimming caps? Is it law in Japan? What's wrong with a little hair in the pool? It's better than other things that get left in there.



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