Jul 25, 2009

The Epitome of Innocence

Some folks out there may think that commandeering someone's blog is rude, unruly, perhaps even, unkind. I disagree. I do believe that this will actually have very positive effects for all involved. Emily, the mere fact that I have written on your blog will surely improve its Google page rank and increase readership.

Besides, would a person with this face of pure innocence do anything wrong?


  1. That's too funny!

  2. Yep, this sounds like the brother of Emily that I know and love. Aunt Sue

  3. BRANDON YOU ARE A PSYCHOPATH!!! I will NEVER log into my e-mail or blog on your computer EVER EVER EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (Do you know how confused I was on Sunday after church when I tried to log in to g-mail and my password didn't work?)

  4. P.S. I'll be calling at 2 a.m. to talk to you personally!!!

  5. Kristin9:25 AM

    I think I can honestly say I am glad Aaron is my brother!!


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