Jun 30, 2009

Early Morning Pondering

I know I should turn around.  I know I should stand up right this minute and walk into the kitchen.  I know when I do, I'll find a big mess...which is only getting worse by the second.  

And yet here I sit.

Both Sam and Gabe are there.  Just behind me.  Watching one of the stupider morning cartoon offerings on AFN kids.  (Rags?  Wags?  It's some hideously ugly singing dog.  The boys really like it.  shudder.)  

Sam is actually in plain view.   (If I bother to swivel in my chair.)   He's closer to the TV playing with a large hammer and some colorful Japanese masking tape*.  He (probably) wont dare to hammer anything too hard.  At least not until I'm in the shower...

Gabe is the one I'm more worried about.  He's around the corner (where I can't see him) in the vicinity of an open box of granola, the Kashi Strawberry Bars, (I highly recommend) and probably numerous other sticky items left out after breakfast.

There are crunching noises, crinkling noises, spilling noises, messy messy messy noises...
I really should go in there.

But this is what I don't hear:

Whining noises.
Fighting noises.
Begging/Pleading/Badgering/Pestering noises.

So I'm just going to sit here a little while longer.


Motherhood is full of tough choices.

Today, I'll take the mess.

*I saw on Oh Happy Day that colorful Japanese masking tape is super "rad" or something.  So when I saw it at the 100 Yen store, I bought it.  
Now I don't know what to do with it.  
Turns out, masking tape isn't good for a whole heck of a lot.  

P.S.  If you have a really girlie girlie-girl--or even a grubby little boy--you'll want to check out my latest review over at www.gratuitousreviews.blogspot.com.


  1. Don't you DARE move! I take the mess too. I think right now both kids are going through the gadgets drawer in the kitchen. Who knows where Play Doh will end up! hehe it SO much more peaceful when they are making a mess! (Oh...Ryan just walked in with a tomato in a sippy cup. I just might have to intervene on this one. Tomatoes don't vacuum up all that well!

  2. Just an update...it looks like I'll be making salsa or bruschetta chicken later today. (See previous comment!)

  3. Yeah, stay where you are... the mess will still be there later!

  4. See, wait til they get just a tiny bit older. I've got my two oldest out in the garage right now, vacuuming out the van. I mean, it isn't gonna look GOOD when they are done, but it will be BETTER.

    Sometimes I let them make the mess, but sometimes I get everything clean and then I get super anal. Yesterday I informed them all (including my husband) that if they wanted to eat anything, they would need to do it on the back patio. THen I left for Enrichment.

    I'm not super proud of that.

  5. Bring on the mess if you can only get 5 minutes of peace!!

  6. Don't bother to go clean up the mess, especially if it means interrupting your quiet time. If you do, then they will wait until you start cleaning and secretly move to another part of the house to make an even bigger mess. One mess is better than two, at least that's what I always say.

  7. Tami made those fairy jars herself! We did an enrichment night making them at my house...maybe a year ago?! Please tell Tami I miss her AND I am so happy to be able to get to know YOU better!

  8. Sometimes just staying put is a good thing. I'm the same way if I don't hear fighting or yelling or crying I assume all is well & I will deal with whatever when I need to. Sometimes it's a must to stay sane :)


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