Jun 8, 2009

Quick Favor

Hi!  Could either one or six of you please sign up to "follow" this blog?  It would really help my OCD if I could have even little rows of five-each down there on my sidebar.

I'd really appreciate it!  Thanks!!!
(If eleven more of you want to follow, that's fine too!)

Emily-Has-Issues Dub


  1. What's the difference between me following on Reader vs. on here? My picture just doesn't show up on your page?

  2. hi i just sigjned up to follow your blog im tiffany taylor (im sighned up as tiffblau) soon to be blau im getting married in september im also lindsay dunns sister so i do look at your blog and i enjoy it

  3. Yes, you do indeed have issues. Never a truer statement has been uttered.

  4. How do I do that? Email me explaining it to me. susanblackutah@yahoo.com
    Love, Aunt Sue

  5. I just scrolled down and it's even now so I better not sign up and mess it up for you. Who said i was the only OCD one in this family?

  6. Hey cute cousin! I will most definitely sign up to follow your blog - you are one funny gal - so glad I found your blog!

  7. fOLLOWINgFootsteps9:31 PM

    sorry, but i'm not a joiner


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