May 15, 2009


I stood in the front yard sprinkling grass seed on all the bare spots in the lawn and it occured to me:

I'm trying to grow grass in Northern Japan.

I paused and thought about it again.

I'm in Northern Japan and I'm planting grass.

Because I live Northern Japan.

And I'll be here long enough to watch grass grow.

Ten years ago, I had different plans for my life. Plans that did not involve the Military or Japan. 
Then, my plans had only recently started to include a hot blond BYU pre-dental student . But still...I never dreamed my life would turn out this way. In fact, I would have bet heavily against it.

But here I am!  And I'm happy to be here with my three little boys and hot, not-so-blond anymore, Ped. Dentist husband in Northern Japan. With newly planted grass in the front yard.
(And a huge veggie garden in the side yard planted by afore mentioned hot husband!)

So now please satiate my morbid curiosity...

Are you in a different spot than you imagined ten years ago?


  1. 10 years ago I was sixteen, and wanted someday to be married, and have children. 10 years later, I'm married, have two daughters, and so I'm basically where I wanted to be. Although at that point, I wanted to get married at 26, after I (very quickly) finished my Ph.d., and then I would become a professor. 10 years later, I am very happy to only have a Bachelor's, I'm never planning to work outside the home, let alone ever get a Ph.d. But I think it's a common thing to talk about having a career when you're a teenage girl, even if you end up being a SAHM, which is all you ever REALLY wanted.

  2. Wow, when I was twenty one. . . I never thought I'd ever be thirty something, or settled down, or not cliff diving somewhere. But now, here I am, nursing injuries from my roaring 20's and chasing three kids when I only planned on having one, and living in the Great State - a place that my dad said only crazy cowboys lived and no one should ever move here!

  3. What a great post!

    10 years ago I live in Phoenix, AZ wanting nothing to do with the cold or outdoors ever. 10 years later we live in Oregon and own an alpaca ranch. I spent my winter outside breaking ice on the water buckets, feeding animals, and loving life out in the country! Best move we have ever made! Not much beats watching the alpacas and chickens early in the morning!

  4. That is so great!! Grass in Japan!! Awesome!

    10 years ago I was 19 and just out to have some fun! I now am exactly were I hoped I would be, but didn't dare imagine that it could be so good! I have been richly blessed these last 10 years! Life is much better than I anticipated!!

  5. I never EVER thought we'd still be in school at 30 (30 is coming up fast for both of us.) The residency took me by surprise. And I expected to have more kids by now. And to have a garage. Ah well, sometimes (maybe often) things turn out better than planned!

  6. 10 years and one week from today I was having my first baby at 21 years old. Now 10 years later my fourth baby will be 1 in a month! Just what and where I thought! Now to think about the next 10 years!

  7. Welcome to my blog Bil! I checked out your site. I have to say I think Alpaca's are super cool!

  8. 10 years ago we were roommates, good old times. I definitely never thought my life would follow the course it has. I went to grad school (my first grade teacher thought I would never graduate high school, due to learning disabilities.) I married Travis after 3 long dating years and now have Zadia and River. Now we are ending five years of living in Boulder, Colorado and like you moving half way around the world to Granada, Spain. I never thought I would live overseas. PLEASE COME AND VISIT ME!!!! Granada is amazing. 35 minutes from the Mediterranean sea, Historic sites i.e. "La Alhambra" and of course me. Does it get any better? Yes I have to say these past 10 years have flown by fast. I can't wait to see what the next 10 years hold.

  9. Ten years ago I was getting ready to get married to my first husband - a police officer and Reservist. I was "marrying into" my "first" child - a stepchild. Ten years later I'm remarried and Husband 2.0 is a definite upgrade! I'm still in touch with my former stepdaughter; her mom is one of my best friends. I have two kids of my own (one from the first marriage, one from this marriage) and I'm back in the military community as the spouse of an active duty service member.

    Oddly enough, it's where I had dreamed of being when I was 16 - I always figured/planned that if I got married, my spouse would be military. Little did I know there'd be bumps in the road - in 1999 I thought "the Reserve" was as close as it was going to be. LOL

    Now I live in Japan and though I'd have assumed it would be Europe (did 3 tours in Germany as an Army brat) it's definitely giving my kids the full military "brat" experience, as opposed to Stateside-only posts - which have their benefits of course, but this version shows my kids what my life was like at their age in a way nothing else can do.

  10. I never really thought too much about where I would be but more about hoping I would never have to be in the same place for too long. So far, so good! I love that life throws so many curves at us. It would be so boring if we always knew how it would turn out. I think it's so great that you get to be in Northern Japan growing grass!

  11. Yes, my life is pretty much exactly how I expected it. Is that pathetic, a little bit?
    BTW, I'm shocked that you ever considered your MR a blond!

  12. I had always thought I be an alpaca rancher but here I am in Japan.


    Ten years ago I was wondering whom to date! Didn't know much more than I wantedt o go to dental school. Never thought I'd be in the Air Force or a peds dentist. Yet I love my lot in life! Esp with my wiffy!

  13. Thanks for the welcome! I've been reading for a while (I don't remember who told me about your blog or how I found it but I've enjoyed it).

    We love alpacas! If you're ever in Oregon stop on by for a rub and a pet. :)

  14. 10 years ago I was at BYU wondering if I would ever get married. I never thought about the military, let alone imagine I would marry someone in the military. Asia was on my list of places I never really cared if I visited. So I hear I am now in Japan with my military spouse and In Japan. Definitely not what I had in mind. But my life to this point has been much better than I ever thought it would be! Hopefully it keeps going that way! Great question. It was fun to reflect back. Have fun in Hawaii. I love that place. If only it was closer to the mainland!!!

  15. 10 years ago I graduated from High School and didn't even think I'd be where I am now. I always thought I'd stay in Utah... but now I live in GA and having a pretty great time.

  16. Anonymous7:06 AM

    my sister lives in Japan and her hubby is miltary...might know them Kaylyn.

    Happen to find you from Melanie G's blog. Grew up with her in southern CA.

    Great blog.

  17. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Hey. i saw your blog. I guess you are having fun in Japan. I just read the one you wrote about mamasan? and I'm looking for the job like taking care of baby and clean the house. I wonder how you find here. :) I hope you can help me! I'm still young. but im looking for an extra job! please email me here!

    Thankyou so much. i really appriciate it!


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