May 21, 2009

Definitely Day 4 - Last Day on North Shore - Oh, and I'm home now.

It's hard being as attractive as we all are. It's really a burden. Here we are visiting some (un-impressive) ancient sacred ruins. You can tell we were over-awed.

Next stop, the aptly named turtle beach. Where I really did say the following: "Where's the turtle?" Oh, THERE it is!!!  (Leave me alone.  I was looking in the water not two feet away from me on the sand.)
My awesome collection of sea glass and shells.  (And maybe a few pieces of sea plastic and sea garbage.)

A really sexy couple who enjoy long walks on the beach.
(Actually, after this long walk on the beach, I'm going to remove "Likes long walks on the beach" from my on-line dating profile since I found it rather exhausting.)  (The sand was really squishy and our feet were sinking in like two feet with each step!)  (No, I don't really have an on-line dating profile, so nobody panic and call my bishop!)
A few bonus pictures to make you extra jealous.

Now it's time to catch up on the rest of the trip.
(And I was doing so well at first...)

"Whachoo talkin' bout Willis?!"


  1. So jealous!! It looks like a wonderful trip.

  2. Glad you are home.

    May I pick your brain?

    I'm a bit.... stressed.

    My husband goes to COT the end of June. Same thing yours did last year. Anyhow, they said he can't call home for 2 weeks- they take there phones. Is this true? Can they go to church? Is COT awful? Also, they said he has to have 2grand for uniforms. Seems like a bit much, is this true?

    My stress is that we have not sold our house yet and if I have to deal with that, and the kids and moving by myself, and I can't reach my husband by phone it just seems like a lot.

    We are supposed to be in Mountain Home, Idaho on Aug. 8th. I have heard mixed reviews about AF movers. How was it for you?

    Okay. Thank you. If you don't respond that's okay. I'll still keep reading your blog ;) and would still like to meet you for lunch. In the US though.

  3. Was there a sign that said there is a 15,000$ fine for molesting turtles? Our beach on the big island was full of turtles. I couldn't swim with such large reptiles.

  4. My gosh what a gorgeous place! That long walk must have been heaven! I'm definitely jealous.


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