Apr 14, 2009

Another Fabulous Giveaway!

I have some great news people!  I already have another FABULOUS giveaway for you!!!  Just in time for MOTHER'S DAY!!!!  Yes!  So soon after the Frame-Name giveaway!  You should be feeling extra loved!  (If you are one of the five Frame-Name winners, be sure to cash in!  My dad wants to send you your prize!!!)

So here's a little back story since I LOVE back story:  
(Or you can just skip right to the giveaway details.)

When I was 16, I moved with my mom from Salt Lake City, Utah, to Carlsbad, California.   I (tragically) left a tight group of friends back in Salt Lake.  My best friend, Ang, fortunately didn't forget about me and we stayed close despite being a few states apart.  After I left, Ang did something unforeseen.  She got into Ska.  No, it's not some crazy illicit drug.  It's a musical style. (genre?)  Sort-of a mixture of Reggae and Punk and Big Band (high school band?) and abject silliness.

At some point, I think at a Ska concert, Ang met Kylie who went to another area High School and also liked Ska. (Alta?  Highland?)  And then at some other point, I met Kylie through Ang.  I'm thinking I met her in California.  But it's quite possible I met her on a visit back to S.L.C.  Anyhoo...

She's a super cool girl.  And she married the big brother (Jonathon who is super funny) of another friend of ours, Malia.  (Who stole my Moses collage freshman year.  I'm still waiting to get him back.)   And we kept in touch.  And whenever I threw a party with my roommates in Provo (Party-o) I invited Kylie and Jonathon to come down from Salt Lake.  And they usually did.

Since I've known her, Kylie has never stopped doing artistic and creative things.  First, she was in a band...(possibly still is?)  Then she went to school for Graphic Design and worked as a Graphic Designer doing really super cool stuff.  Then she and her cousin Shawna started their own jewelry business:  Snapdragon Jewelry 

And they make some VERY COOL STUFF!  And they want to give some of it away to YOU!   Lucky, lucky YOU! 

Giveaway Details:  Snapdragon Jewelry is generously offering three beautiful prizes:  (All found in their Etsy shop.)

Description:  Try our sleek and whimsical Black Onyx Earrings! They are hand-wired Chandelier Earrings with black Onyx beads, sterling silver wire and hooks.
I love these because a) I love black, and b) they would make a statement without being too heavy.

#2  Charcoal Glass Earrings
Description:  Our sleek and sophisticated Charcoal Earrings will add glamour to any style. Made with Charcoal colored foil glass beads hanging on hand-shaped sterling silver hooks; Hangs about 1.85”  You could basically wear these every day and look super hot and chic.

Description:  Try out our beautiful crimson Carnelian Earrings. They're perfect for Mother's Day! Deep red Carnelian beads and sterling silver wire and hooks; Hangs about 1.25”
I love red.  LOVE IT!  Red is the perfect color to add punch to whatever you're wearing!  So pretty!

Here's the dealio:  To enter to win, leave a comment on THIS POST saying which jewelry item you love the best!  Either one of these three, or something else from their fabulous Etsy shop or Snapd website.

To get an EXTRA TWO entries, put a link to this post on your blog (and tell me you did it in the comments.)

Anything from Snapdragon Jewelry would make a GREAT Mother's Day gift for YOU (If you are married just do the shopping for your husband.  He'll thank you for it!), or your WIFE, (I know I have 5 or so male readers out there!  You can thank me for this fabulous gift idea later.) or your MOM!  (Honestly, you should be giving your Mom a new house since she DID give you life.  But she'll love this jewelry just as much.  Mom's are good that way.) 

And since not everyone can win, (especially if you're too lazy to enter.) Snapdragon Jewelry is offering a generous 20% discount on their already affordable items to my readers.  

(To take advantage of the 20% discount: e-mail snapdragonjewelry@gmail.com with the item you'd like and "acte gratuit" for the promotion code and you'll get an invoice e-mailed back to you. OR purchase directly from the Etsy store.  Enter "acte gratuit" in the "message to seller" box and DO NOT finalize the order...Kylie will send you an updated invoice first.)

So chop-chop people!!!  Mother's Day is coming right up!!!

We're going to give this 5 days!  You have until noon on Monday to enter (Japan time) and winners will be announced shortly thereafter.  (Which is Sunday night for all y'all.)

 I leave you with--
A few other little beauties to tempt you...

(The above sets were found on www.snapd.net.  Happy shopping!!!)


  1. Yahooooo I'm first. And I can't decide. The black ones are amazing but the rose colored necklace is equally amazing!!!!

  2. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Love the black chandelier pair. Thanks for the heads up on their site.

  3. Charcoal Glass Earrings are my very favorite!!! Do I win Do I Win!!!!!

  4. Anonymous6:42 AM

    I love love love the red lovelies (charcoal are cool too). And I never leave comments even though I'm a faithful reader. So do I win??!!


  5. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Can I comment twice and really win?

    P.S. Even though I'm anon, I'm related to you, we are sisters, I have brown hair and blue eyes, I gave my name in the post above, I'm your favorite sister, I live in an undisclosed location, but you know were I am, I have 4 cute children who love their Aunti Em and her pizza, I'm your biggest fan, and I love strawberries. Do you know who I am?

  6. Yes Laura we know who you are!

  7. The Black Onyx - beautiful.

  8. looooove the red ones! remember how much you love me and how much I love red! I think I should win for sure!!

  9. #1 for sure. And when I was in Provo there were tons of ska bands about. Probably the same time your friend was in high school. Since I'm old. My good friends were in a band called Sofa who had a little (tiny bit) of that going on.

    What is a moses collage?

  10. i'm a man or at least i thought i was until i started reading your blog.

    i always reads your blog a few wks after you posted a few wks previously.

    now since my manhood has been questioned, i think i shall ask for the red ones.

    that's what my WIFE prefers and i certainly should win / be chosen. cuz you know why ! my WIFE wants the red ones. you know how SHE is.

    (what is this thing about word verification? anybody who can read can enter it. how is it a hinderance or security barrier?) (please protest them!)

  11. I like the Charcoal glass of course because they're simple and neutral (like me) but the red would be good for me to own since I have no red (or any other exciting) colored jewelry of any kind.

    My fingers and toes are crossed.

    And I think I should win since I did four loads of laundry today. Isn't that a world record or something??

  12. Mommy5:39 PM

    dear em, i think i should win the red earrings because they will match my red sequin-glitter shoes that light up with every step i take. i want to make an impact wherever i may go in the near future. pick me! love, mom

  13. It would appear that the red earrings are quite the hot ticket. How unfortunate that these too are the ones I most desire. However, should I 'win' these would be my request...though I'm not holding my breath I have Yet to win anything...Ever in my life (did I come across too eeyore-ish?).

  14. I just found your blog through Stephanie Courts and my favorite pair of earrings are the beautiful crimson Carnelian Earrings.

  15. Red!! (Red is my favorite color.)

  16. I like the dangly silver pearl earrings!

  17. i am in love with the black onyx earrings! i am blogging about this right now!!!

  18. I love those red earrings! I don't usually enter giveaways or post comments (I'm kind of shy, you know), but those red earrings seem to have a small sort of magnetic force or something driving me to do this uncharacteristic posting/entering thing.

  19. i would like the red ones.
    no particular reason 'cept they seem to be free.
    besides i read you dail, even like the last several days when you haven't added anything new. i still read the old stuff.
    i should win for being loyal.
    besides i am your real ma'.
    love ma'

  20. My husband would love this - if I were to win, he wouldn't have to try to do Mother's Day shopping from a place far away which shall remain unspecified for OPSEC reasons. ;-)

    I'm gonna say the carnelian earrings. My favorite color is red too. (Did you see my new Tibetan carving? Red, red, red. Oh, and some gold. But who needs THAT?) But wow, I'm digging the charcoal ones too. Okay, I admit it... all of these are lovely. I'm totally drooling. 'Scuse me while I wipe off my keyboard.

  21. I went and blogged the contest.

    See, I can prove it:


    You may wanna actually go and read it...I also linked to a freebie elsewhere that you might enjoy.

    Thanks for the opportunity to earn extra entries!

  22. Green Turquoise Earrings... to match another giveaway I won recently! LOL!

  23. Oh I love the Peruvian Opal Necklace. It is so so pretty!

  24. The Cherry Quartz Earrings are fabulous!!



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