Apr 23, 2009

22nd Annual Japan Day

***Northern Japan is in BLOOM!  See Doug's blog for the very first pictures!***

April 4th
Where? Edgren High School
Hosted by? Misawa International Club
What? Almost 30 classrooms filled with hands-on events and displays including calligraphy, kite making, clay, bonsai and a tea ceremony.

Some of the cool displays...
Max trying the Kogin embroidery under the watchful eye of a volunteer...

Beautiful Bonsai...
If you're the last person finished with your kite, be prepared to pose with the Kite Making Club!

Sometimes I forget he's only 7...and he's 31...
--The End--


  1. That's a nice kite.

    I sure love bonzais. I should get one.

  2. How fun!! I love the kite! And your boys look darling!

  3. That kite rocks Em!!!! You should be the president of the kite club! I love the pics of the boys!


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