Mar 17, 2009

Mormons and Temples

If anyone were to ask me my opinion of the HBO series "Big Love", (which no one has) I would say "It's not a good place to get information about Mormons and/or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 'Cause, ya's a cable show...made by people who are not themselves members of the church...and are definitely not religious scholars."

Then if that same person asked me about temples, (which they haven't) I might refer them to this video:

Then I would say this: "Since moving here in August, Doug and I have not been able to visit the temple. The nearest one is in Tokyo and we haven't made a temple trip down there yet. (It's about a 12 hour drive.) But we are planning to go soon and can't wait. Our ability to visit the temple is one of the greatest blessings we have as worthy members of this church and we both love visiting the temple." 

The End and Amen.

Any questions?


  1. Hey you don't know me, I am Lindsay Dunn's Mom from Las Vegas. I read your blog from Lindsay's blog and I must commend you for stepping to the plate regarding the HBO spot on Mormons and the Temple. I did not see the program but I can't imagine it was good. I am grateful for your post telling other about what we believe and about Temples. YOU GO GIRL!!! Love To You!!! Cindy Taylor

  2. Kind of makes you realize how other religions feel when it comes to how they are portrayed on screen. That's the first thing I thought of when I heard about "Big Love" and especially the episode that depicts the temple ceremony. I have a new outlook and respect when it comes to things that are sacred to them and splashed out for our entertainment.

    I was happy after reading the church's press release about it and thought they nailed it right on.

  3. Thank you for posting this, Em! THat is such a great video. It is sad to me how much credit people give TV programs. And Garity is right, it makes me realize that I need to place less credit in what TV and media say about other religons. Thanks for posting!

  4. Space A to Yokota. Free bus to Tokyo lets you off about 4 blocks from the temple.

  5. this is a family trend im lindsay dunns sister i live in las vegas at the moment but im getting married in september then moving to arizona i was on lindsays blog and the title of your post cought my attention so i read your post i agree that we cant take any kind of credit to what media says about other relgions when i was on my mission i started learning that i would always tell people that if you wanna learn about a relgion go to that church or people in it and learn dont ask people that are in a differnt relgion and thanks for posting the video i loved it totally felt the spirt while watching it i really need to get back to the temple its on my list for tomarrow or the next day thanks for the wonderful post

  6. thanks for the post em. great video. i just got all caught up on your blog and got my laughs in for the day. you can always put a smile on my face. tell all those boys hi for us.

  7. I have been asked about Big Love before. I quickly let this person know that the program is completely fictitious and not in the least true, and I haven't even seen the show but I'm sure that I'm right because, as you said, it is on cable (extended cable at that) and made by people that have no connection to the church. I felt pretty good about myself for about a month until this same person told me that they watched a show about our church. I asked what it was and they said "Big Love." Apparently my little lesson didn't leave much of an impression. So then I began to tell this person again that the show has nothing to do with our church. Then she started to argue with me. It was a pretty frustrating experience. Sadly, people take things like that as truth. I'm curious what they say on this program to lead everybody to believe that it really is about the church.

    By the way, this is Brett

  8. Hello Ems!!! I needed to laugh so I came right to your blog and had to catch up on everything. I absolutely LOVE that you fell asleep while on your throne on the hamper! By the way, I can't even think about hot chocolate without thinking of you. I miss you tons!!


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