Feb 1, 2009

Why All the Kids Were in the Tub This Evening...

D: I’m done. You have until tonight to get better.

E: (whispers) It was poop wasn’t it? One poop incident will do that to a parent...

D: It wasn’t an ‘incident’. It was terrorism. Poop terrorism!


  1. Glad to be a part of your family---poop terrorism and all! Welcome to mine. I like to think we add the DIS in dysfunctional!!!!

  2. Ah, the old poop terrorism bit. I feel for you bro. Never fun to clean up after one of those "incidents." I usually burn my clothes and/or take a bath in Lysol. I'm becoming quite the germaphobe in my old age. In another few years I'll probably be on par with Howard Hughes. "Bring in the milk, bring in the milk, bring in the milk, bring in the milk." Come to think of it I haven't clipped my toe nails for a while now. Maybe I'm closer to that point than I originally thought.

  3. Ohhhhh...so been there! Feel better soon! I'm sure you'll get it WAY late, but there's a "get well" card on the way! :)


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