Jan 31, 2009

Great Things About Being in the Military

(Yes, I am heavily medicated which may be why I'm feeling sooo positive right now!!!)

Free issues of "Military Spouse" and "Reader's Digest" (yay!) available at the library. (Gifts from Grateful Americans!)

Job security in frightening economic times.

Free Health Care (including Tonsillectomies) and Free Prescriptions.

Free rent and free utilities! (If you live on-base. All your utilities may not be covered off-base.)

The BEST Pediatric Dentist I've ever met. (Sorry, co-resi's.)

Doug doesn't have to run his own practice or pay for mal-practice insurance.

Opportunity to live and work over-seas (awesome!) without Doug needing additional schooling or certifications. (Although I may have been a little freaked out about moving to Japan, I'm very glad that we did!)

We're friends with real-life Spies and Fighter Pilots. (But don't let that make you feel bad about your job. I'm sure Tax Accounting is thrilling too!)

No Sales Tax on anything you buy on-base.

Great schooling provided by the Department of Defense. (Except don't get me started on the school lunch program with 40 different ala cart desserts available; which one particular 1st grader was taking full advantage of without his mother's knowledge or consent.)

The ability to let your kids play outside unsupervised in a safe environment. Just like I did when I was a kid; but would never allow in Rhode Island or San Francisco.

Lot's of neighbors with strong religious values including; Mormons, Catholics, Baptists, Born-Agains, Protestants, Jews, and Muslims. (Can't say I've met any Wiccans yet, but you never know!)

and did I mention free Reader's Digest?

P.S. It is now officially my birthday month! You may commence with the gift sending.


  1. Happy birthday month! ANd those really are great reasons to be in the military!

  2. Happy Birthday to you! When is your birthday? Mine is Feb. 16th! I will be 32. What about you?

    Good perks! :)

  3. My gift to you...i am no longer just lurking! LOVE your blog..You keep writing, I'll keep reading!

  4. We list these reasons in order to avoid being jealous of the Montoyas!

  5. Jenni,
    My birthday is on the 9th and I'll be 31 I think! Ask me again when I'm not medicated and I'll confirm.

  6. Hey, Jake quit the Tax Accounting years ago. Was a waste of a good master's degree. Now he manages properties which sometimes includes breaking into homes with bounty hunters and then police helicopters coming and and frisking them.

    Though, it doesn't sound as good as the readers' Digests. I NEVER get to read that.


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