Nov 24, 2008

This and That

Okay, so maybe I was a little abrupt.  I was T-I-R-E-D last night.
I'll do more.  And I'll try to convince Doug to guest post.  But not today.  LATER!

In the mean time, I'd just like to say, THE GIVE-AWAY ISN'T OVER!!!  For all who didn't enter and for you whiners who didn't win, you still have THREE MORE CHANCES!  So if you're a non-enterer, get on it!  It's takes all of two minutes!  And if you've already entered, be patient!  You'll have another chance!

Now GET BUSY!  I want to see more awesome covers!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Devil on my shoulder is hoping no one else enters, thus increasing our chances for a win.

    Angel on my shoulder hopes many more people enter because it is just so gosh darn fun.


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