Nov 15, 2008

Sunday Deep Thoughts

How I Met Your Father Part III coming on Monday morning.
(Sorry to string you along, but it's just so fun.)

For today, I only have one thought:

Doug wasn't here for church today.  I got myself and the boys ready and we were only five minutes late.  This beats our latest late trend by about 10 minutes.

This leads me to only one conclusion:  It's Doug's fault.

Doug's excessive primping is the reason we're late every week.  I blame him.  And only him.  As a matter of fact, I would have been right on time if Doug hadn't previously hidden the lesson manual.  (Let's just say I didn't do a whole lot of prep for the lesson this week.  Sorry girls.)

So yeah.  It's you sweetie.  It's all you.  I guess YOU'LL have to get your pretty little self out of bed earlier...not me.

I love you anyway!


  1. It is true! I am always late to church when my husband is with us too.

  2. I agree. But, I am late no matter what... sigh.

  3. Unfortunately I'm the late one in our marriage. I'm so used to my husband making sure we arrive on time to places that when he's not home I'm running around like a whirlwind trying to get us out of the door on time, and I usually don't quite make it.

  4. I was 10 minutes early to church too weeks ago with Max when Em didn't come...

  5. Doug: I'm sticking my tongue out at you right now.

  6. Yes!! I can somehow manage to get myself and five girls ready for church (with bows in their hair!) and be on time. But whenever David is there "helping" we're late. (Although I must admit I'd rather be late with David than on time by myself.)


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