Nov 5, 2008

It's Finally Over!!!

Well, we have a new President.  Congratulations, President Obama.  I would have sooner stabbed my eye out with a fork than vote for you, BUT since you're now the President, I support you and really really hope you'll do a great job and be as wonderful as everyone thinks you'll be!!!

Now, before you ask, NO I did not vote.  But not for lack of trying.  We THOUGHT we had filled out the correct information to do the absentee ballot, but evidently it didn't go through or get processed correctly or something.  Which was a bummer.  But whatdaya do?

The good news is, Prop 8 passed in California!!!  (YAY!!!!)  Which means the definition of marriage will not change!  (For now)  Which means I haven't changed my plans to move there in the future!

So there you go!  You win some you lose some!  Hope all of YOUR wildest election day dreams came true!

See you tomorrow.

P.S.  My dad was asking what the stance of the Air Force is politically.  In the last few weeks, we've been subject to MANY lame commercials about exercising our right to vote.  But the Air Force does NOT support one candidate over another.  They stay non-partisan and keep the emphasis on voting...not who you should vote for.  So now you know!

P.P.S.  To vote here, people have to fill out an absentee ballot from their legal state of residence.  


  1. Your first paragraph reflects my congratulations to BO perfectly.

  2. amen to randa_joy's comment and to your first paragraph. nicely put. :)

  3. If it makes you feel any better, Brett tried to do absentee and his ballot never came. I think it's a conspiracy! Or, maybe someone in the mailroom is just an idiot. Either way, it's over now.

  4. And where is your permanent state of residence? Rhode Island, California? I'm guessing that is part of the problem :) I feel the same way about Obama...I will support him...I guess.

  5. That reflects my congrats of Obama as well.

    Sorry about the absentee ballot! That stinks!

  6. I knew we'd get 1 out of the 2 but I knew it was a long shot for both, Oh well hope he does well.

  7. Emmy,

    Prop 8 passed but it's not over. Keep praying for us. Next thing you know Governor Arnold is going to issue an extermination order on the Mormons... This blog has quite a bit of info about what's going on.

  8. Well now you know how I have felt for the last eight years with Bush. So glad that is over.
    But so sad for all of those people who love eachother, but are discriminated because they both have the same junk. I went to a lesbien wedding on Nov 2nd, and from what I hear their marriage still counts. They have been together for 18 years. It was beautiful.

  9. Chris,
    (Is this Chrispy?)
    I do actually see your side. I really do. And I think gays should have equal rights and not be discriminated against. But in my mind, that doesn't mean we should have to change an age-old definition and all that implies. I wish your friends well in their relationship.

  10. I think now that 3 days have passed I can finally say that I support (or will support anyway) the new president. Pres. Bush is really going out of his way to help with a smooth transition, which is nice. It will certainly be interesting to see all the change and hope and all that...


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