Nov 27, 2008

Gobble gobble goo and Gobble gobble gickel...

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

On thanksgiving in my family and in Doug's family before dinner begins, we go around the table and all say one thing for which we are thankful. We didn't get to do that this year so I'm going to go ahead and take the liberty here.
I am Thankful for:
My Family.

Now, since this is my blog, and because I can, I'm going to add a few more...(ADDED FRIDAY!) In no particular order...
*I'm really thankful for my printer/scanner. I was pondering it the other day and just had to stop for a minute and praise it's goodness. I mean, how cool is it that I can find a Thanksgiving nameplate template on Martha and immediately print it out in color? It's WAY cool! Even if I never made the nameplates...
*I'm also thankful for my relative good health. I've spent the last 24 hours either in bed, or on or near the toilet. Just so you know, I'm dying of dysentery with a throbbing ear infection thrown in for fun. And I've been whining like a nap-deprived two-year-old all day as a result. But in the back of my head I keep thinking..."at least it's not always this bad. At least I'm not ALWAYS sick..." And I am truly grateful for that.
*I'm thankful for having a good book to read today. I love reading. I love love love reading a really good book. Being allowed to stay in bed all day reading ALMOST makes up for the fact that I'm dying a slow, painful death.
*And finally, I'm thankful for T.V.! Because now that I've finished "Goose Girl" (started this morning) I'm going to find an old episode of Scrubs on "watchtvsitcoms(dot)com" to cheer me up and keep me busy while awaiting the return of my family from HSM3. And really, what more could a girl ask for?!?

Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving. What are YOU thankful for???

*BTW Doug has agreed to do the next installment of How I Met My Husband. It should be ready in the next two days, he's a bit slower than me. Which is sad 'cause I'm pretty slow.


  1. I'm thankful that you made Thanksgiving dinner for us last year. Now, we're on our own and terrified. (I bought my rolls. I am pathetic.)

  2. I love checking in on your blog. I need to do it more often. It always makes me giggle. Hope you are feeling better. Take care way over there in never never land.

  3. I had a happy and busy thanks giving, from a child author. Concord, Ca

    I'm happy for having a great family


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