Nov 11, 2008

Chapter Two Coming Soon

I'm not gonna lie. Yesterday's post took me pretty much all day to finish. First I had to dig out my scrapbooks and unpack my stash of old loose photo's. Then I had to sit on the floor looking through all of them for an hour or two reminiscing. Then I had to figure out how to connect the scanner, do all the scanning, edit out all the red eyes in Photoshop, decide which photo's to use and then stare at the screen for a solid hour wondering whether or not what I had written was too personal to publish. So yeah. It was a little time consuming.

Therefore, I'm going to wait a few days to do Chapter 2. I really REALLY need to go grocery shopping... and do some laundry...

and maybe vacuum...

and consider doing ANOTHER load of dishes.

So yeah...

it'll be a few days. In the mean time, there will be more trivial--less time consuming--posts like this one to keep you entertained.

See you tomorrow.


  1. Awww, come on! You don't really need to do you? =D Just kidding! Can't wait to see more!

  2. Who is that guy standing next to you? He looks familiar.

  3. Never mind. I know who he is. Well not personally but been following their blog! What a small world :)

  4. Oooooooh, I can't wait...I loved part one!!


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