Oct 21, 2008


Gabe just climbed into the dryer to play.  Instead of getting him out, I ran to find my camera.

I think he was lured over to the laundry area by his clean blankie in a laundry basket, then decided to climb in for a look-see.

Unfortunately after a quick circuit through the main rooms of the house, I realized I wouldn't find the camera before he got bored and climbed out.

Fortunately, once he learns a new trick (like climbing from the toilet into the bathroom sink to play with the hand soap) he usually repeats it a few times.  I'll just have to remember to leave the dryer door open and a basket of fresh clean baby blankets in front of it.  Then I'll be able to capture photo documentation of his adorable/naughty-ness.

In other news, I just told whiny Sam to "Get a drink out of the carton!"  So I could quickly finish typing this post without further interruption.  Oh, yes I did!  All while picturing my teenaged brother Brandon, in the kitchen at Camino, swigging from the gallon jug while being severely chastened by my mom.

How far I've fallen!!!
Heaven help me!


  1. HAHAHA! That's too funny! I hope he does climb in again! I can't wait to see it!

  2. Anonymous9:48 PM

    I'm all for a great pic. But please don't push the wrinkle free button accidentally. I don't want have a nightmare tonight of Gabers stuck in the dryer nor do I want to imagine the floaties after sammers swiggs. Speaking of Brandon...I hear you have a tatoo on your rear?

  3. If we could make a wrinkle free button that could work if we climbed in the dryer.... we would all be rich and gooooooood lookin'.
    Brandon does have a tat on his but...it says "Do not exceed 175#" He calls it Christina.

  4. You know that 4 year olds deposit a huge amount of backwash with every swig, right?? Just askin'...

  5. He wanted a drink of Soy Milk. Which I don't drink. So only Max will suffer because of my poor parenting.

  6. I once had a cat that climbed into the dryer. Only we didn't realize until we had turned it on and it started yelping from inside. When it came out it's hair was all staticy and poofed out - wish I had a picture of that!


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