Oct 10, 2008

Oirase Gorge and Lake Towada

Lest you think we're not getting out and experiencing Japan, we are!
(whether Sammy likes it or not.)  

Monday everyone had the day off for Columbus Day.  We decided to go back to Oirase Gorge (our second trip) and see if the leaves had changed color.   The mouth of the gorge is about an hour away from Misawa.
 (We were still about a week early for the fall colors, but it is still very very pretty...)

We had no idea there were so many waterfalls along the way!

This time, we drove all the way to Lake Towada.  (Approx. another hour of driving.)  We had a fabulous and fun picnic by the beautiful lake and I marvelled at how great life can be sometimes.
After our picnic but before heading back down through the Gorge, we drove through a typical lake side town.  

It sorta reminded me of Jackson Hole.  It had all the usual stuff;  

Quaint shops filled with souvenirs, 
sidewalk vendors selling treats,
(Yeah...that is FISH ON A STICK!)
and even one of those super fun painted boards with the face cut out so you can take your picture with it!!!
(No.  This is not supposed to be Adam (with child-bearing hips) and Eve.  It's two ladies bonding by the lake.  There's a sculpture of these lovely ladies somewhere nearby, but unfortunately, we couldn't find 'em.  Had a hard time reading the signs for some reason.)

What a great day!  We love Japan!!!


  1. mmmm, fish on a stick! 'scuse me while I go PUKE!!!

  2. Tottemo kirai desu ne !!!
    (very pretty (pictures))

  3. Anonymous8:01 PM

    i am SO GLAD that you guys love japan!!! those waterfall pictures are beautiful!!

  4. I've never thought of Japan being so beautiful. My mental images are more in line with the fish on a stick. I'm glad you're getting to experience both sides.

  5. Wow, what a gorgeous place! Did you try the fish on a stick? I'd like to see a post about that experience...

  6. WOW! Look what happens when you go to Japan? Gabe is SO big now! Don't know why that was the only thing I took away from your post, but it was! :)

  7. Lisa, no I absolutely did NOT try the fish on a stick. They'd have to pay ME to do that!

  8. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Hey Emily, This is Aunt Sue. I've been checking your blog daily, but haven't left a comment yet. I do so enjoy hearing about you and your cute family. It was fun to see your siblings when your dad had his operation. We had a great visit at In and Out! Your dad seems to be progressing. It takes time. My blog (intermittently added to) is grandmasusanssayings.blogspot.com
    Love, Aunt Sue

  9. fish on a stick - awesome! The hike looks nice too :)


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