Oct 17, 2008

The Code Works Now!

Lyndsay fixed it for me!!!  You should now be able to copy the code in the post below to get a button!  (I'd copy it to this post, but I'm not messing with it!)
Thanks Lyndsay!


  1. So, how do I put this on my blog? You know I am so computer illiterate!

  2. OK OK!!! I did it!!! Now quit taking it out on poor Gabe'ys face!!!

  3. I put your button on (thanks for the help Chrissy!). Now you need to change your link to my new blog address.

    Thanks for your help Emmy, Glenn Beck on the way after the election....

  4. Emily, So glad you commented on my blog. I only write occassionally, but I love the comments. Dawnie has one also. So far she only has two blogs on it, but they are worth the read. Her address is:
    She's turning into another Erma Bombeck or Mary Roach or Dave Barry with her sarcasm. She has a by-line article coming out Sunday 19th at http://chicker.com. It's about bumper stickers, but is really about Prop 8. Your being in Japan means you're far away from this sticky wicket issue here in California, but I think you'll enjoy Dawnie's take on it. Love you. Aunt Sue

  5. Anonymous11:14 PM

    That's http://chicoer.com not chicker.com. Oops. It stands for Chico Enterprise Record--the newspaper there in Chico, CA. Aunt Sue

  6. Okay,,it's done. I'll take mine in $10's and $20's please!


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